Kirbie's Cravings

Thanksgiving Wrap-Up

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I hope everyone had a safe and delicious Thanksgiving. This year, Mr. K and I spent Thanksgiving Day with his side of the extended family, which meant quite a layout of food.

I was hoping to arrive early enough to snap pictures of all the food before people began eating. But one thing led to another and we ended up leaving the house later than planned and then we got stuck in some crappy holiday traffic. So by the time we arrived, people had already began eating.

I did try to take a few pictures, but I had to be really really quick, since everyone was enjoying the food.

Like a lot of the gatherings, it was mainly a mix of American and Filipino food. There was of course a turkey, and many side dishes which I did not get the name of. There were also the classic American sides like mashed potatoes, creamed corn, macaroni and cheese.

There was an entire table dedicated to vegetarian and fruit dishes.

Some of the desserts:

I baked late into the night on Wednesday, bringing my mini pumpkin pies, pumpkin bread loaves, and mochi.

Afterwards, my kitchen was a completely mess, with piles of dishes everywhere. Fortunately for me, I recently got sent a few OXO cleaning tools to help make the job easier. Normally I can’t even get Mr. K to do his own dishes, but he helped out just to play with the new equipment.

My favorite tool was the Soap Dispensing Stemware and Glass Wand. It allowed me to easily clean tall and narrow glasses. I also like that it has its own soap dispenser as part of the wand.

Here’s some before and after shots of my kitchen sink:

The OXO tools were provided to be as part of OXO’s partnership with TaskRabbit to help clean-up for Thanksgiving. Have you used TaskRabbit before? It’s a program that allows you to bid for services of tasks you need completed from people in your neighborhood that have been vetted and background checked. I haven’t had a chance to use it yet, but if you are interested in trying it out, TaskRabbit and OXO provided me with a $25 off coupon for my readers: AXF7V9734N6.

I took this quick photo of the desserts I made before packing up everything to bring over. Good thing too because once we arrived, people swarmed over the new food and it was cut and served before I even had a chance to put my purse down.

After the big Thanksgiving lunch feast, we sat around with the cousins, watching football and catching up.

As the sun began to set, we went our separate ways, many of us going to do some shopping.

Mr. K and I went to a friend’s house nearby first, where we played Cards Against Humanity (the adult version of Apples to Apples), and indulged on more dessert including banana pie, pumpkin, pie, cassava cake and sponge cake with crispy skin.

When we went home, I did most of my Black Friday shopping online. While I’ve gone to the physical stores in the past, there was honestly nothing I wanted that much to wait in lines and fight the crowds. Luckily, there are so many online deals now, so I could shop while curled on the couch.

I bought a food processor from Target’s online Black Friday sale with my remaining gift card to replace my dying one. We debated getting a hdtv, but ultimately decided against it.

I also browsed around the Tokidoki website and Macy’s, but didn’t buy anything. On Friday morning, we headed back to San Diego. We originally were going to do some in-store shopping, but the rainy weather made us lazy. I plan on doing a little more shopping during Cyber Monday (without the watchful eye of Mr. K).

We plan on spending the rest of the weekend eating and spending time with friends and family. Hope everyone has a safe rest of the holiday weekend!



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    18 comments on “Thanksgiving Wrap-Up”

    1. I love this post! Growing up, we typically didn’t have”traditional” Thanksgiving fare (i.e. mashed potatoes, stuffing, turkey, mac and cheese, etc.). I think we tried one year but no one ate it so we just caved and ordered up a bunch of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese food. If we had turkey, it was marinated in teriyaki sauce. We had pumpkin bars instead of pumpkin pie. And fruit (saw the pictures of whole fruit). I always thought we were an anomaly and was embarrassed to admit I have no idea what is typically served at a Thanksgiving dinner. I’m so glad to see that everyone just takes the day as an opportunity to eat food they love.

      • When I was little, I insisted on having all the “traditional” items because I didn’t want to be teased at school. But now that I’m an adult, I really appreciate the mixing of cultures. It makes it so much more fun to have different types of cuisines and be able to enjoy it all on one day.

    2. @ jinxi : what is that?. i thought plushies are sex toy costumes..soi’m very confused. Surely no one is having sex with hello kitty!

    3. We always have American food on Thanksgiving but I’m thinking some lumpia might be in order for us next Thanksgiving! Looks like an awesome spread. My dad told me to NOT bake anything and I was so disappointed with our store bought pie that I vowed to definitely bake next year! Happy post-Thanksgiving 🙂

    4. Oh and I forgot to share this with you! Remember the turkey & hamburger Hello Kitty plushies? Well, there’s a new one now:

      • eek, thanks for sharing! Also you totally reminded me that I have the turkey one. I bought it last year and was going to post it this year for Thanksgiving day and completely forgot! Doh!

    5. Happy Thanksgiving, Kirbie & Mr. K! Looks like a nice and hearty meal 🙂 S and I also avoided Black Friday shopping this year, and I’m also waiting to do my shopping on Cyber Monday, too ^^
      Also, I love Cards Against Humanity!! Haha. So scandalous 😛

      • Hehe, it was a fun game. We really binged on games this weekend. Also played Head’s Up (phone app) and Spaceteam (phone app)

    6. I love lumpia! That’s all….;)

    7. Happy belated Thanksgiving! What a great spread! I love the mix of Filipino and American food. I noticed pinakbet (one of my favorites)in the photo with the guavas. I noticed Mr. K’s mom made (or had) Filipino fruit salad, ‘sapin sapin’ (the tri-color dessert), and leche flan. We didn’t have any lumpia this year, only pancit (palabok). No shopping either on Black Friday. We stayed home to decorate the tree. 🙂

      • Mr. K’s aunt made the fruit salad. I couldn’t get photos of everything unfortunately. So many people trying to get food. I took a few more that were blurry so I didn’t post them. I still need to decorate my tree!

    8. The noodle dish and egg rolls look delicious. I wish I did the Black Fri shopping online – I just totally forgot.

      Happy post thanksgiving –

      • It’s probably better to just spend the time at home with friends and family than be out shopping! I really liked the noodle dish. I sat in front of it most of the day. haha.

    9. As usual all looks so tantalizing.
      I didnt know MrK was Filipino. I thought he was Korean.
      I hope his family there is safe from Yolanda.
      Question, is thanksgiviing is celebrated in the Phillipines, or celebrated once they immigrate here? Bc in my country we dont celebrate Thanksgiving, but the embassy is closed because US work there.

      I see mostly Filipino dishes–YES TO THOSE TURON — so this is a Filipino meal mainly with turkey added to coincide?

      Very cool for a total table full of veggie dishes.

      • Actually I have no idea if it is celebrated in the Philippines. I would guess it isn’t and it’s only here in the US. There were a lot of American dishes as well as I talked about in the post, I just didn’t photo everything.