Kirbie's Cravings

Bay Area- Fatima Restaurant and Hong Fu Restaurant

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I’ve been craving knife shaved noodles for a while now.  There are only a few places I’ve been to that serve knife shaved noodles, and one of them is near my parents’ house.  So when I went home last time, I told my parents that is where I wanted to go.

Fatima is a muslim chinese restaurant.  In general, most of their dishes are just okay.  But they are famous for their knife shaved noodles and there sesame onion pancake.  We ended up getting takeout from Fatima for lunch, and also got a tea smoked duck from Hong Fu Restaurant, my favorite place for tea smoked duck.

The sesame onion pancake, is thick, doughy, full of fresh onions and topped with toasted sesames.  I really love their pancake.

Little Brother says he likes the fried rice at Fatima, so my parents ordered him a fried rice.

I didn’t like the fried rice.  I thought it was salty and tasted like soy sauce.

Here’s the knife shaved noodles.  They have a variety of pan fried noodles and soup noodles.  I chose to get lamb soup noodles.

Here’s the noodles with the broth and lamb meat.

I prefer to eat this dish at the restaurant.  When you get it to go, it’s hard to get the broth hot enough and the noodles tend to clump together.  If you can eat it at the restaurant, I would recommend you do that.  It still tasted pretty good though.  Flavorful tender lamb.  Fairly rich broth.  And the noodles!  Thick and chewy.

Here is the beef and beef tendon noodle soup. Lots of tendons!

My parents also got the beef tendon appetizer.

Fatima Restaurant
10125 Bandley Dr

, CA 95014
(408) 257-3893

My parents also picked up an order of tea smoked duck from Hong Fu Restaurant.  Hong Fu makes the best tea smoked duck I’ve ever eaten.


First off, the duck is so plump and full of meat! Usually duck does not have much meat.  It is usually has a thick layer of fatty skin.  But the duck at Hong Fu is big and plump.  I’m not sure where they get their duck from.  It’s almost like a small turkey.

I also love the red color.  And the duck has a deep smoked flavor.  It’s not too salty, but the smokiness definitely permeates through all of the meat.  The meat is also juicy and not at all dry.  Hong Fu’s tea smoked duck has pretty much ruined me for other restaurant’s tea smoked ducks.

Hong Fu Gourmet Chinese Restaurant
20588 Stevens Creek Blvd

, CA 95014
(408) 252-2200

Hong Fu also makes a really good spicy beef noodle soup with hand made noodles.  But it’s super spicy.  A bit too spicy for me.


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    6 comments on “Bay Area- Fatima Restaurant and Hong Fu Restaurant”

    1. I am so glad I randomly came across your website from “Rodzilla”.
      I really enjoyed your clean and organized blog and your beautiful photography until I found your restaurant index…

      Bay Area is my home and I find a weird source connection when I see my hometown. I am been looking through your restaurant index and it’s so weird to see the places so close to my home. Anyways,I just wanted to drop by and say hello and that I became a huge fan of yours.

    2. It is pretty good! They offer both a thin and thick version. I like them both! Hmm, trying to make my own? I haven’t ever really made any sort of chinese pancake from scratch other than helping my mom make chive pockets. But I would like to learn to try to make my own sometime. I’ll need to call up my mom for help!
      Maybe you just had a bad tea smoked duck? The smoky flavor should definitely be there, but not too strong.

    3. They are good aren’t they? Fatima is the only place I know that makes it that way. yum!

    4. That sesame green onion think looks AMAZING!! Oh my goodness. Kirbie – maybe that can be someones next recipe experiment blog (hint hint…)
      I’ve never had good tea smoked duck. The smoke taste always was too strong. Is that normal? Or did i just have a bad dish? The pics of yours looked so good and meaty.

    5. I haven’t been to Fatima in ages. Thanks for the reminder that I need to go back soon for those incredible green onion-sesame breads. Gawd, I could make a meal of those alone.

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