Kirbie's Cravings

Taiwan Trip 2010

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No I’m not in Taiwan nor did I recently go visit. I wish I was/did. If you’ve been a regular reader of my blog for over a year, you may recall that last year Baby Bro’s GF (“BBG”) started a journal of her annual Taiwan trip.

She took many many photos, but the posts took a lot longer…and were never finished. Now it’s been a whole year and she’s already back in Taiwan for her winter break.

In order for me to share some of the great places she’s gone to, she’s sending me her photos slowly and telling me the places where they are from and some commentary. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Milk Houses Bakery:

I love the cute pikachu cake! Unfortunately, after this photo, the employees noticed that BBGF was taking photos and asked her to stop.

Tainan A-Hui Fried Eel
This place is a favorite of BBG and her sister and they always make a trip.

I thought this dish looked really interesting and definitely something I want to try next time: Pig intestines stuffed with glutinous rice:

This last photo is almond tofu. Apparently the almond tofu here is award winning. BBG says it’s some of the most delicious stuff on earth.

Lunch at Easy House Vegetarian Cuisine

I love how everything is plated at this place. Everything was vegetarian. On the fruit platter, I spy one of my favorite fruits of all time, waxed apple. (It’s the red fruit on the top portion of the picture.

This post is getting pretty long, so I’ll end it here for now. Many more photos of yummy food to come.

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    3 comments on “Taiwan Trip 2010”

    1. Pig intestines stuffed with glutinous rice!
      Mu er!
      Waxed apple!
      Oh, how I miss it. T___T

    2. the soup looks rather interesting

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