Kirbie's Cravings

Lost and Found- Blogher Book Club

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Okay so this post doesn’t really have much to do with food. Well it does indirectly because in Lost and Found, the author Geneen Roth does make comparisons of her how she got into her situation to problems of food and overeating.

I love to read. I mean really love. As a kid my favorite place was the library. So when I found out that Blogher has a book club that selects certain bloggers to participate in a book campaign where they get a free copy of the book and a small compensation for reviewing the book, I jumped at the opportunity. I thought it would be great to save some money on buying books and also would introduce me to some new reading material.

Lost and Found is the story of author Geneen Roth and how she and her husband experience the devastating loss of their life savings in the Bernard Madoff scandal, the life lessons she learned in the aftermath, and how she rebuilt her life. There were a lot of things in the book, examples she used to how her and her husband ended up in the situation that were very relatable to me and I’m sure to many others.  It definitely made me rethink some of my habits, especially spending habits.

I’m not sure why when I read the description of the book I thought it would be told in a more humorous tone. I found the book to be told in a much more serious and reflective voice but it still an interesting read.

If you’ve read the book or want to follow along, you can join in on the discussion of the book here.

Please note, I am receiving compensation from BlogHer Book Club for writing this writing this post, but the opinions in the post are my own.

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