Kirbie's Cravings

More Manju!

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I love how pretty the handcrafted manju from Hogetsu Bakery are.  Since Hogestu is a bit of a far drive for me, I rely on Nijiya’s supply of Hogetsu Bakery’s manju to fulfill my needs.  I am always browsing Nijiya for any new offerings.  My previous post on these beautiful creations can be found here.

Here is what I found on my last visit to Nijiya:

To create the beautiful flowers and other designs, a very sticky jelly type material is used.  The taste is that of a really sweet bean cake.  I can never eat more than a couple bite of these at a time, but they are so pretty that I keep coming back for more.  It’s hard to eat them though because they are just so pretty!

Hogetsu Bakery
1210 3rd Ave
Chula Vista, CA 91911
(619) 422-6677

Nijiya Market
3860 Convoy St Ste 121
San Diego, CA 92111

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