Kirbie's Cravings

Sam The Cooking Guy Giveaway

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A while back, I posted about my experience attending Sam The Cooking Guy’s Livecast. Well, for those of you who are fans of Sam The Cooking Guy, he is performing a live show on February 18, 2012 in San Diego.

Tickets are $60 each, but I’m giving away a pair on my blog, so two lucky people can attend for free.

Description of the show:

This is Sam on stage at his unscripted best. It’s a fun night that mixes the best elements of a live cooking show, video clips, an interactive Q&A and behind the scenes stories – and it’s all right there in front of you. If you’ve ever wondered if Sam is as quirky off camera as he is on, this is your night to find out.

And starting off the evening is ‘Woody’ from Woody’s Liquid Kitchen all the way from Sydney Australia. Woody’s been on Oprah, is regularly flown to locations around the world as a Director of Beverage for VIP parties and events and opened for Guy Fieri on his US tour (a fact we won’t hold against him). He might be the greatest, most entertaining flair bartender you’ve ever seen. And if you’ve never seen a flair bartender – Woody is the one to see.

Found out more about the show here.

I loved attending the Livecast and this show should be even more fun.

To enter the giveaway, leave a comment at the end of the post, telling me who you’ll bring with you to the show if you win the tickets. I will use to generate a number and select a winner. This giveaway will be a quick one as the show is coming up. Deadline to enter is Saturday February 11, 2012 at midnight PST. Good luck!

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    11 comments on “Sam The Cooking Guy Giveaway”

    1. This sounds like a blast, if I won the tickets I would bring my big sis; her birthday is next Thursday and this would be a perfect surprise!

    2. I would bring my best friend, who makes the tastiest food I’ve ever had!

    3. I’ll have to bring my friend Erin, she always asks me if I’ve seen the show. And of course I have!

    4. My boyfriend, who loves food and cooking just as much as I do 🙂

    5. I’d definitely bring my husband!

    6. Oooh, fun! I would bring a friend of mine – she gave me a Sam The Cooking Guy cookbook 🙂

    7. My wife…maybe it will bring her inspiration?

    8. I would be my best friend in the entire world :]

    9. I’ll bring one of my awesome friends!

    10. I’ll bring my sister, Amirah, who is in town from Oakland.

    11. I’ll have to bring my boyfriend, who always makes me dinner because I can’t make anything that tastes decent 🙂