Kirbie's Cravings

A little announcement

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An opportunity fell into my lap a few weeks ago that had me practically jumping for joy. I stayed pretty mum about it, not telling anyone other than FH, for fear that it wouldn’t happen.

Now that it has, I wanted to share the news with you. Normally, I might not post something about this here. I always feel awkward with self-promotion. But in this case, since future opportunities depends on maintaining an interested audience, I hope you will check out my first published article in San Diego Magazine, and will continue to check out future pieces I may write.

And lookie here, you get to learn my real name too. 😉

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    25 comments on “A little announcement”

    1. I have been away these weeks, and now I come back and find great news.

    2. OMGOSH grats to you! 🙂

      I always loved your posts!

    3. I read but didn’t see the announcement here until just now. Awesome job!

    4. Congrats my dear!!!! This is an epic achievement 🙂

    5. Congratulations, what a great opportunity!

    6. Congrats! That’s awesome you get free food as well as wealth and fame!

    7. Aww, you’ll always be Kirbie to me! Nice article, and I can’t wait to go to Sushi Yaro.

    8. Congrats Jenn!! Finally I can use your real name like in real life. Can’t wait to read your articles.

    9. Major congrats Kirbie! Great job!

    10. How exciting! I subscribe to SD Magazine too…congratulations! can’t wait to read about other restaurants you will write about 🙂

      • There’s a lot of places I eat at that don’t end up on my blog for whatever reason and fit the theme of the Everyday Eats section of SD Magazine, so hopefully I will be providing new/separate material for the magazine and blog so there is a reason to read both. =)

    11. Congrats Kirbie! Great write up.

    12. Congrats on the article (fab photos too!)! Now I want to check this place out! Great deals there…

      • Yes, you should check them out! I’ve been there for dinner several times, but only recently went for lunch. I was amazed by the cheap prices and wanted to order the whole menu! I’m going to do a post on this blog too, detailing some more of the food and pics of the menu. It should be up later this week.

    13. Excellent article, Jenn! Congratulations!

    14. Congrats!!!

    15. Congratulations! =)

    16. Congrats! It’s a great write-up of a tasty sounding place.

    17. What a wonderful opportunity for you! Congratulations! Love the article and look forward to reading more 🙂

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