Kirbie's Cravings

Day 5 of giveaways

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Welcome to Day 5 of the 12 days of giveaways. There’s still time to enter Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4 if you haven’t already!

On the fifth day of giveaways, Kirbie’s Cravings gave to me…

Foodzie Tasting Box!

(and for purposes of completing the song, sung to the tune of the 12 days of Christmas, here are the rest of the giveaways)

One lucky winner will be sent the November Foodzie Tasting Box. As you may recall, during the weekend right after Thanksgiving, Foodzie was doing a giveaway of their November tasting boxes. I was able to give away two on my blog. Readers were very interested in winning a tasting box. Since I did a giveaway on my blog, Foodzie also provided me with a November tasting box. However, I had previously signed up for a monthly subscription, so I ended up receiving two November boxes. So I’ve decided to give away one of my November tasting boxes.

Foodzie brings together artisan and small food companies from all across the US. You can shop for all kinds of food products on their site. They also have a monthly Tasting Box where they send out samples from different companies.

The November box includes the following:

  • Alfajores Cookies from Maitelates/ Ann Harbor, MI
  • Heirloom Cranberry beans from Zursun Beans/ Twin Falls, ID
  • Bacon Peanut Brittles from The Redhead/ New York, NY
  • Parmesan Flatbreads from Little Ragghi’s/ Ocean City, MD
  • Fleur De sel Caramel Popcorn from 479 degrees Popcorn/ San Francisco, CA

One random winner will be selected using a number generated by The contest ends December 16, 2010 at midnight PST. Please note, this contest is open to US readers only. To enter, leave a comment at the end of the post with the item from the box you are most interested in trying.

For an additional entry, follow me on twitter (if you don’t already) and tweet the following message:

“Win a Foodzie Tasting Box @kirbiecravings” and leave me a comment telling me you tweeted the message.

Good luck! And you can still enter the previous days of giveaways.

Day 4: Cravory Cookies
Day 3:  Royal Hawaii Raw Honey
Day 2: Ghiradelli chocolate bars
Day 1: Gift certificate to Oh! Nuts

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    45 comments on “Day 5 of giveaways”

    1. Those Bacon Peanut Brittle looks yummy!

      And I tweeted the message from @setosnicegirl

    2. Alfajores Cookies

    3. The bacon peanut brittle sounds divine!

    4. Alfajores Cookies

    5. Heirloom Cranberry beans please 😀

    6. bacon. peanut. brittle. YUM!

    7. Bacon peanut brittle sounds amazing!

    8. hi kirbie – the fleur de sel caramel popcorn sounds intriguing!

    9. The cookies, natch!

    10. The parmesan flatbread sounds really tasty!

    11. Parmesan Flatbreads

    12. Alfajores cookies. I ate so many when I was in Peru

    13. Definitely excited to try the cranberry beans…sounds like a unique and intriguing mix of sweet and savory 🙂

    14. fleur de sel caramel popcorn of course!

    15. I’m most interested in the caramel popcorn. I haven’t had any of that in ages!

    16. Yum yum bacon peanut brittles!!

    17. Fleur De sel Caramel Popcorn

    18. The peanut bacon brittle for sure! Bacon anything is a win.

      Also, I tweeted this giveaway from @snapeful (again).

    19. the bacon brittle sounds really interesting. I love sweet and salty

    20. All sound great, but I’d have to say I’m most interested in trying these cranberry beans because call me a newbie, but I’ve never had them or even heard of them, and the rest I can at least imagine what they’d taste like…

    21. These sound really interesting Heirloom Cranberry beans from Zursun Beans/ Twin Falls, ID

    22. The Bacon Peanut Brittles from The Redhead sounds really good!

    23. Parmesan flatbreads- yum!!!

    24. the Alfajores Cookies sound super yummy!

    25. All of them!!

    26. om nom nom alfajores!!

    27. I really want to say “all of the above”!

    28. I would love to try the popcorn!

    29. Parmesan Flatbreads! Cos it seems the savory food I enjoy:)

    30. The parmesan flat bread!

    31. I eat popcorn almost everyday so would love to try the fleur de sel flavor!

    32. Ooh! Bacon peanut brittle!

    33. The Bacon Peanut Brittles:)

    34. Would love to try the fleur de sel caramel popcorn!

    35. Bacon peanut brittles!

    36. i’ve been wanting to go to the Redhead so definitely the bacon peanut brittle!

    37. The fleur de sel popcorn or bacon PB brittle! Too bad the bf is allergic to peanuts, so i’ll have to eat these in secret

    38. Parmesan Flatbreads from Little Ragghi’s/ Ocean City, MD

    39. Bacon Peanu Brittles from The Redhead/ New York, NY

    40. Parmesan Flatbreads from Little Ragghi’s/ Ocean City, MD
      i heard that they are really yummy!

    41. Bacon Peanu Brittles from The Redhead/ New York, NY

    42. Fleur De sel Caramel Popcorn from 479 degrees Popcorn/ San Francisco, CA

      caramel popcorn. yum.

    43. Those Alfajores Cookies sound pretty tasty!

    44. Oh, the Bacon Peanu Brittles sounds really interesting, I’d want to try that.

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