Kirbie's Cravings

Forbidden Yogurt

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Forbidden Yogurt
3943 Governor Dr
San Diego, CA 92122
(858) 587-1700

Forbidden Yogurt is one of the many, many self-serve frozen yogurt shops that have popped up in the last year.  That being said, there are a couple of great things about Forbidden Yogurt that make it stand out from the mass.

#1: A website that is updated often.  Forbidden tries to rotate its flavors on a regular basis.  And they try to update the website as the flavors change.  Unfortunately, I have found that the website isn’t updated as much as I would like.  A lot of times, the flavors on the website are not what I find in-store.  But given that other sites don’t even update their weekly flavors, it’s somewhat of an improvement.

#2: A lot of flavors.  In addition to rotating its flavors constantly, Forbidden Yogurt also has a lot of flavors offered at a time.  About 18.  It has a good variety.  From more “asian flavors” like green tea, taro, lychee to more “american flavors” like cookies and cream, coffee, chocolate.

#3: A lot of toppings.  It appears the owners of Forbidden are trying to compete with the likes of Yogurt World and Yogurt Lounge, with their large array of topping and flavors offered.  They offer a lot of fresh fruit, jellies, my favorite nata de coco, canned fruits like lychee and longan, and a bunch of cereals, candies, etc.  And of course, the little mochi balls!  In the past, the fruit has always been cut up nicely.  For some reason on this most recent trip, all the fruit was cut into huge pieces.  Not at all fitting for a topping.

#4: Decent parking.  A lot of the popular self-serve yogurt places are in areas where parking is hard to find.  Forbidden Yogurt is located in the same plaza as the Vons on Governor, and there is usually ample parking.

Now the negatives:

#1: On the expensive end.  Prices range from about $.33-$.39/oz for most yogurt places.  Forbidden is either $.38 or $.39/oz so it is definitely on the high end.

#2: Rotation of flavors.  While it’s nice that Forbidden has so many flavors and are changing up their flavors, it is also very frustrating if there are some favorites you are expecting.  For instance, their taro is pretty good.  Very creamy and sweet, much like taro ice cream.  But I never know when they are going to have it!  They literally rotate all of their flavors.  Other places will keep the majority of the flavors and then rotate a few, have a flavor of the week, etc.  This allows people to get their favorites whenever they want.  I got lucky on this trip.  There were quite a few flavors I liked: taro, green tea, pineapple sorbet, coconut, vanilla bean.  Sometimes when I go, they don’t have any flavors I love.

#3:Lack of seating.  It’s a small place, with some cute tables and seats, but it’s not really a place to come and hang out with your friends.

All in all, the yogurt here is pretty good.  They offer a lot of flavors, both sweet and tart and a lot of toppings.  Originally, I wanted to make a pretty yogurt for this post, full of fresh fruit toppings and jellies.  But because there were so many flavors I wanted to try, and because the fruit was not cut in an appetizing topping size, I wasn’t able to create a beautiful masterpiece. Haha.  This is what I ended up with:

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    2 comments on “Forbidden Yogurt”

    1. Hi Mark- I know they have no sugar added yogurts. I’m not sure about the no fat offerings.

    2. Kirbie,
      Do they have a no sugar, no fat offering as well ? Some places call it Wow-Cow or something like that.
      Lemme know
      Sounds yummy !

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