Kirbie's Cravings

Kit Kats Update

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As many of you know, one of my obsessions is trying out as many different flavors of Kit Kat chocolates as possible. In Japan, there are nearly a hundred different flavors, with more new variations being produced every year.

I recently tried a few which I wanted to document before I forget. I’ve now tried more than 30 different ones.

One of the sweetest bloggers, Kay of Never Turn Down a Cupcake, was generous enough to share her recent stash from Japan. I also found a couple more at my local Japanese grocery stores in San Diego.

From Kay, I received passion fruit, kuromitsu (black honey, similar to molasses), and sakura green tea.

I enjoy eating passion fruit so I was pretty excited to try a passion fruit flavored kit kat. The passion fruit flavor was light, but given the sour nature of the fruit, that is probably a good thing. It wasn”t nearly as sour as the fruit, which made it quite pleasing.

I’ve tried molasses and sakura once before, but it was really fun to revisit them. I love the sakura packaging. They sold it last year at the Japanese markets in San Diego, but I haven’t seen any this year. The kuromitsu I haven’t seen in the US, only in Japan.

About a month later, I was at Nijiya and spotted passion fruit. Every once in a while, some of the new Japanese flavors will reach the US and I was really excited to see this was one of them. So of course I had to get a bag.

I also found strawberry at both Nijiya and H Mart,. There’s been quite a few strawberry variations, but I hadn’t yet tried this specific one.

The strawberry one was surprisingly tart. It had little pockets of sour crystals and I didn’t quite love this one as much, but it was fun to try.

My other Kit Kat adventures can be found here, here, here and here.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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    16 comments on “Kit Kats Update”

    1. OMG, they have purple sweet potato? I wish that flavor was available here! I liked the passion fruit and strawberry that you gave me, especially the passion fruit. I’m a sucker for anything passion fruit.

    2. have you asked kitkat( well the hershey company or nestle) why they dont produce variety flavors in north america ?

    3. I’m glad you liked them too!

      • Always so fun to see the different variations and taste them all! Thanks again for sharing some with me. You have access to so many fun ones not in the US.

    4. We got the passion fruit ones a while back. They had good flavor, and a pretty color. I’d really like them to bring the roasted purple sweet potato ones here. They were wonderful. You could even taste the caramelized sugar flavor like that of a sweet potato.

    5. Oh man, those flavors sound amazing! I wish the Japanese kit kat varieties were more widely available in the US, they’re so good!!

    6. Have you tried Lette macarons at UTC yet?
      I thought they were very good- not too sweet but
      full of flavor

      • I’ve gone twice and it’s been closed! So frustrating. I wish they posted the hours when they are closed so I know when to go.

    7. I had no idea the amount of kit cats there was! Classic treat!

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