Kirbie's Cravings

OXO Giveaway

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Recently I was provided with a set of OXO LockTop containers.

I was pretty excited. I’m a big fan of OXO kitchen gadgets and have various ones in my house like the apple divider, peeler, mango splitter, just to name a few. Basically when in doubt, I usually by OXO brand because I’ve been happy with the quality of their products.

What really intrigued me with these containers is that they are leak proof. I’ve tried dozens of different food storage containers: screw tops, airtight locking ones, etc. They always leak. Even a slight nanosecond tilt will lead to leakage. So I was eager to test these out.

And it works! They really are leak proof. I tested it out with some coffee. The little mini ones don’t hold much, but I used two to store my coffee for the day. I usually use a travel mug, but it always leaks if I walk to fast or if I’m juggling a bunch of stuff in my hands.

Then I stuck them in my purse. Because I was cautious, I put them in some ziploc bags. And when I arrived to work, they were fine! Not a single drop of liquid came out. I was so impressed. I tried running around with them jostling in my purse, shaking them upside down. Completely dry. I don’t know how they do it. The containers have a double lock mechanism that didn’t look particularly special, but it works. And it’s not any additional trouble to put the lid on. You just press down to close like you would any other regular container.

I immediately went online so I could purchase some more. These containers are a little more pricey than average food storage containers, but they are also meant to last much longer. They are BPA free too.

If you want to try out some of these containers before investing in your own set, you can have a chance with my giveaway. OXO had provided me with one extra set of containers to give away to one lucky reader. The winner will receive four mini LockTop containers and one medium (6.3 cups) LockTop container.

The deadline to enter is 11:59 pm on May 18, 2012. Please note this giveaway is only open to readers with a US mailing address. To enter, please leave a comment at the end of this post letting me know what you would store in the mini containers (I’m fishing for ideas here because other than using a couple for coffee and maybe some sauce I don’t quite know what to do with the little ones). For an additional entry, follow me on either Twitter or Facebook, and leave an additional comment telling me you’ve done so (or if you already do, tell me so). Good luck!

Please note, I was provided with a free set of OXO containers to review and one set to give away. I was not compensated for this review and my opinions are my own.


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    86 comments on “OXO Giveaway”

    1. I would use this to take salad dressing and small items like raisins, cottage cheese, etc. to work with me. Thank you.

    2. I’d store things I have “leftover” when making a recipe. Like chicken broth, tomato paste, chipotle peppers, and so on. Often I use only half a can of something (like above items) and then I could freeze it.
      Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

    3. The small containers would be great to store fish sauce or other dipping sauces in your packed lunch bag!

    4. These would be the perfect size to put my daughter’s baby formula in when we travel. Spill proof.

    5. This set is ideal for a lunches. Smaller containers for salad dressings or dips and larger one great for leftovers or even a salad.

    6. Followed on Facebook!

    7. Followed on twitter (@MommytoElodie)

    8. I would use them for lunch items for my daughter- especially for small portions of soup or messy foods!

    9. I’m following you on Facebook!

    10. I would use them when packing lunches…salad dressings, sauces, applesauce, etc.

    11. I would store sliced tomatoes to bring to work for my sandwiches. They leak in my sandwich bags and make my bread soggy.

    12. I would use them for dressings, sauces, juices like lemon or lime, or use them for dips.

    13. I’d store salad dressing or soup for lunch!

    14. Just followed you on twitter!

    15. I would definitely use it for dips and dressings!

    16. I would put my salad dressings.

    17. I would put dressing for my work salads in these.

    18. Those mini ones would be perfect to portion out sauces into whenever I bring my lunch to work. I been using takeout cups from our restaurant but that is just so much waste.

    19. Store chili for those days following when I’ve made them. Or pineapples in pineapple juice.

    20. Sauces or dressing in the wee ones, maybe leftover stock/soup in the large container.

    21. I’d use them to save all the baked goods I have perpetually left over… Also, milk for cereal on the run 🙂

    22. Just realized that I misread the instructions. I’d save spices in the containers to keep them fresh.

    23. Following you as @carlyhobart

    24. I’d store them in my cupboards. I’m not very creative.

    25. I’d use them for single servings of yogurt with cut fruit mixed in. Since I’m in grad school it would be nice to have for my lunches!

    26. This is definitely the one I need most.

    27. I think little snacks for the day would be perfect for the tiny containers.

    28. I take fruit for lunch all the time. Whether it’s cantaloupe, watermelon, you name it, I always end up with a puddle of juice in my bag that leaves everything sticky. :[
      Ive tried everything too! screw lids, airtight, everything! It’d be amazing to win these and actually get something that doess work!

    29. definitively snacks when I’m on my college campus for between classes 😀

    30. I follow you on Twitter. Thanks!

    31. I love tiny storage containers, though I’ve never tried the OXO ones. I store snacks for my toddler in them, or little bits of leftovers. I frequently use little containers for freezing things like pesto where you only need a small amount. They’re also great for taking stuff like dips or dressings to work for lunch.

    32. dressing!!

      also, im following you on facebook 🙂

    33. I would store jam in it so I could take it to work without having to bring the whole jar with me!

    34. I’d use them to store sauces, dressings, or seasonings!

    35. Snack size container of nuts to stash in my purse or drawer!

    36. following you on facebook!

    37. Love the little ones! I’d store some ranch dressing for a midday snack with carrots at work 🙂

    38. I already follow you on Facebook!

    39. Awwww I love the little ones! I love tiny containers in general – I think it’s a sickness 🙂 I have a little girl so I like to store things like dips in those for her to keep the mess to a minimum. Or salad dressings, olive oil (my choice of salad dressing), soy sauce…And the big ones are definitely good for soup!

      I also think the little ones would be good for me for portion control – like not the ENTIRE bag of almonds (or, let’s say, M&Ms) – just the right amount. Haha!

      What about jewelry for traveling? Looks like a nice little compact container for that!

    40. I “liked” you on facebook too!

    41. I love to take cereal to work and this would be a great way to carry the milk. I bought a special cereal and milk container but sure enough, the milk holder leaks. AWESOME.

    42. And I already follow you on Facebook!

    43. The tiny ones for salad dressing. I could use the 4 oz ones for milk. I’m always lookng for something leak-proof that I can pack in my lunch bag. Not so sure about the 6.3 cups yet. But I’m sure I’ll find something!

    44. I already follow you on Twitter! 🙂

    45. They seem like a good option for maple syrup for when I take pancakes for breakfast (I always take my breakfast to work) 🙂

    46. Hmm… I’d probably end up using them (the small ones) for portion control :p It’d be handy to have them in my backpack when I’m going from class to class.

    47. i’m following you on facebook

    48. salad dressing

    49. I already liked you on Facebook!

      Thank you for the contest.

    50. I would put unhealthy snacks (like chocolate covered raisins) in the mini containers for my sweet tooth cravings. Since the containers are so small, I won’t over indulge ^^

    51. Definitely for sauces, dressing, instant coffee/hot chocolate (so I don’t have to buy those expensive individual packs), leftover garnish..

    52. id store salad dressing when i take my salads to go

    53. I follow you on twitter and facebook 🙂 @mischieviously

    54. Like many others have said, they’re perfect for sauces, salad dressing etc. The medium size one would be perfect for a small salad or some fruit.

    55. I now follow you on facebook.

    56. I now follow you on Twitter.

    57. Perfect for sauces! Mine always leak and create a mess! : (

    58. I would keep soup, or maybe a smoothie. Throw it in a freezer to firm up if needed, shake it around and enjoy.

    59. I’d use the little ones for dressing, soy sauce, hot sauce, salsa, etc.

    60. i follow you on Twitter (@onitnaram)

    61. i would pack small portions of sauces for dipping

    62. Would be great for packing salad dress or soup for my lunch.

    63. I always run out of tiny containers! I put salad dressing in them the take with me to work so my lettuce doesn’t get soggy.

    64. crushed pineapple for my son’s lunch. Or condiments – it would be perfect to take ketchup in to work.

    65. I’d keep balsamic vinegar salad dressing in them! Mine always leak by lunch time… 🙁

    66. I would probably use the medium size to bring soups to work for lunch. The mini ones would be good for either ketchup or sauce sauce when it goes along with the rest of my lunch.

      Thanks for the chance to try them out!

    67. I follow you on fb 🙂

    68. I’d use these for storing congee, one of my favorite comfort foods

    69. These would make it so much easier to carry healthy snacks around! I’d use the little ones for hummus, salad dressing, nuts, or peanut butter (to eat on apples or bananas).

      They look like they might also be good for traveling with hair/beauty products. Like if you buy the big bottle because it’s a good value, but then you can’t bring it on trips! I’m always worried about lotions and gels leaking in my purse or luggage.

    70. You could put salad dressing, oatmeal, yogurt in the small containers. I always feel I need small containers for a little bit of granola that I would like to add to my yogurt cup.


    71. They look cool! I follow you on facebook.

    72. I follow you on twitter!

    73. I would store dressing separately from the salad I bring for lunch. That way it’s not soggy by lunchtime! I would also store chips for lunch (so they don’t get crushed in a plastic bag), dipping sauces, apple sauce. I think anything liquidy for lunch would go perfect in these things. 🙂

    74. I love bringing salads for lunch, but I hate how wilted the leaves get when the wet ingredients like beans or tomatoes are stored together. This would be awesome to keep my greens crisp!

    75. I Like you on Facebook

    76. I follow you on Twitter (kawaiidragon88).

    77. I follow you on Twitter!

    78. I would probably store a small portion of tuna in there and bring some crackers for a snack.

    79. I usually have leftover buttercream from decorating cupcakes and would use these containers to store that!

    80. Snacks and baking chips!

    81. The smaller containers would be good for dipping sauce or salad dressing, and the larger containers would be good for soup. Or you could put milk for breakfast on the run. It’s good to have leak-proof containers!

    82. I follow you on twitter as @lolamichele

    83. Rolls of film. Small containers like this are great for storing 127 and 120 roll film until I can get it processed.

      Mark one container “EXPOSED” and one “UNEXPOSED,” and I’m good to go.

    84. I like you on facebook as michele malone

    85. I’d use these for packing lunches since I wouldn’t have to worry about them leaking

    86. I would definitely love to have these to store dressing, dips, and other items I hate traveling with out to picnics/friends’ houses, haha.

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