These cottage cheese bread buns are low carb and keto-friendly. The bread buns need just 3 ingredients and are an easy one-bowl recipe. You don’t even need a mixer to make the bread dough....
These healthy almond cookies are thin and crispy. The cookies are just 2 ingredients and don’t require any flour, eggs, refined sugar, butter or oil. The cookies are easy to make and store well.
This healthy banana yogurt cake is creamy and easy to make. The cake is just 4 ingredients and doesn’t contain any flour, added sugar, butter or oil. The cake takes less than five minutes...
These easy healthy brownies are fudgy and chocolatey. They are just 4 ingredients and don’t require any flour, eggs, refined sugar, butter, dairy or oil. The brownies take less than five minutes to prepare.
This easy avocado cottage cheese flatbread is great for sandwiches and wraps. It is just 3 ingredients and is low carb, high protein and keto-friendly. The flatbread takes less than 5 minutes to prepare.
This creamy, healthy chocolate pudding is so easy to make. It only needs 2 ingredients and doesn’t require any added sugar, dairy, starch or gelatin. Instead, it uses a secret ingredient to thicken the...
These healthy chocolate oatmeal cookies are thin, crispy and crunchy. They need just 4 ingredients and they don’t require any flour, eggs, refined sugar, or butter. The cookies are easy to make and store...
These chicken fritters come out so crispy, cheesy and juicy and don’t require any breading. They are just 3 ingredients and easy to make. The fritters work well for an easy appetizer or side...
These buttermints are creamy, buttery and melt in your mouth as you eat them. They are easy to make and you only need 3 ingredients to make them. The mints can easily be customized...
These candied cranberries have a crunchy candy coating and are so fun to eat. They only need 3 ingredients and are easy to make. They can easily be customized to add more flavors and...
These coconut balls are an easy dessert that is also low carb, low sugar and keto-friendly. The coconut balls need just 2 ingredients and don’t require any baking or cooking. The balls are lightly...
These lemon-flavored truffles are rich and creamy. They are easy to make and only require 3 ingredients. The truffles store well and can easily be decorated for serving at a party or for gifting.