Kirbie's Cravings

Snacks from Taiwan, Snapshots from China

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Over the summer, my youngest brother was lucky enough to travel for 2 months in Asia. He went all over China and spent some time in Vietnam and Taiwan as well. I’ve really enjoyed seeing all the pictures of his trip and wanted to share a few.

But first, the snacks he brought me back from Taiwan. I asked for instant cup of noodles, as my supply was running dangerously low. My mom never understands why I’m obsessed with the ramen cups in Taiwan. But I like them a lot better than what is offered in the US. What I really love about them is in the ingredients inside. For example, if one is labeled beef noodle soup, they actually have beef slices inside. They are preserved in a vacuum sealed pack.  They also usually have several different packets to make up the soup base, to make it taste much more authentic and less like sodium and msg.


My favorites are usually the beef and the tripe ones but we don’t usually bring them back because of the US restrictions on bringing such food items. So I asked him to bring me the mini ones, which have genuine pieces of fish cake. He brought me back these adorable ones where the fish cakes have little pig faces.

Now onto some highlights from his trip.


He spent a good amount of his trip in Sichuan. While there, he visited the Bi Feng Xia Panda Center.

Of course there were lots of giant pandas to observe.

I had no idea pandas could hang out in trees!

Here are some of the food items he enjoyed:

I was really impressed with these photos he took of Arrow Bamboo Lake Waterfall in Jiuzhaigou National Park

Pearl Shoal Waterfall


During his time in Beijing, with the pollution and bad weather, it was hard to take good photos of the buildings.

Of course he had to visit the Olympic center.

Temple of Heaven


There’s plenty more to share, but I’ll stop here for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the weekend!

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    8 comments on “Snacks from Taiwan, Snapshots from China”

    1. OMG. I didn’t know Pandas could climb and sit on top of trees like that!

      Your brother’s pics of the food and landscape are amazing. Did he photoshop them? They are so beautiful.

      • I’m sure he did some basic editing in photoshop but I don’t think he did anything much to alter it. He’s taken some really nice landscape photos lately. I’ve had a few of them blown up into canvases.

    2. Amazing photos! The ones of the water look incredible. Love the panda photos! 🙂

    3. those pictures of the waterfall look so pretty and awesome.. doesn’t even look real!

      • I agree! I love how they turned out. I actually asked my brother for the original file so I can blow it up and hang it in my house

    4. Love this post! I haven’t been to Taiwan and China for 10 years but we seriously took a thousand photos of food too! I wish we had more of these authentic dishes here in SD.

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