Kirbie's Cravings

There’s an App for me- Strawberries Iphone App

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Every time I hear “Iphone App,” the slogan “There’s an app for that” runs through my head.  Well, now there’s an app for me! Sort of. Well, I’m in an app.  I couldn’t come up with a more creative phrase.

A while back, I was contacted by the California Strawberries Commission.  They were designing a free iphone application of strawberry recipes and were interested in including my strawberry mochi recipe.  I, of course, gave them my permission.  The idea of being part of an app sounded pretty cool, even though I don’t even use iphone apps.  Hehe.

I was emailed with the progress on the app, and recently it was approved and launched!  The app is completely free and is full of beautiful, mouthwatering strawberry recipes.  I downloaded it right away just to see what it was like.  My strawberry mochi post was made quite a while back, when I hadn’t really learned much photography skills.  Looking back at the photo makes me cringe a little, especially after browsing through the photos of some of the other recipes.  Oh well. The app is pretty well organized by category, and allows you to see the source of the recipe, the recipe itself, etc.

Here is the press release from the California Strawberries Commission:


iPhone App to View and Share 50 Strawberry Recipes

Top Food Bloggers and Chefs

Watsonville, CA (January 13,
– The California Strawberry Commission today announced the
availability of the free “STRAWBERRIES” mobile app for iPhone and
iPod Touch users featuring more than 50 mouth-watering strawberry recipes from
some of the most popular food bloggers and chefs from around the web.
Individually selected for that “wow” factor, these recipes will
inspire families, foodies, cooks, the health conscious and strawberry lovers
everywhere to get even more creative with strawberries.

iPhone and iPod touch users can now
access different strawberry recipes complete with vivid food photography and
step-by-step directions to create that special dish for those around you. The
free app neatly categorizes recipes under Snacks & Appetizers, Breakfast,
Cocktails, Main Courses, Salads and Sweets. Recipes range from traditional favorites,
such as shortcakes and pies to more exotic dishes like strawberry dumplings,
salsa and ceviche.

Individual recipes can be shared
with friends, family and online networks by simply posting the recipe to
Facebook or Twitter with the click of a button. Recipes can also be emailed to
anyone for viewing or printing.

“I’m excited to have
one of my recipes included in this app because I enjoy sharing my passion for
cooking that goes all the way back to when I was in the fourth grade,”
said Michael Ruhlman, food writer and blogger behind “This is a great way to
further inspire people to recognize the importance and ease of preparing good
and healthy food in their own kitchens.”

Strawberries are among the
healthiest and most delicious foods in the world and the STRAWBERRIES app
demonstrates the varieties of ways people can enjoy them. This app is ideal for
a mom looking for a snack that will delight her kids and husband, a college
student looking for something impressive to bring to a party, or for anyone
just trying to figure out how to get more strawberries into their daily diets.

“As the nation’s
leading producer of strawberries it’s exciting to see the passion that
people of all ages have for strawberries when it comes to eating them –
and cooking with them,” said Mark Murai, President, California Strawberry
Commission. “This app was created to help people easily share some of
that passion and to help people learn new ways to eat strawberries. We appreciate
all the great cooks and bloggers who contributed their recipes to help us do

Strawberry Recipe App Features:

Over 50 recipes, categorized by dish type

Share recipes on Twitter, Facebook and email

Access nutrition information

View recipe photos, ingredients and preparation

Connect with California Strawberry Commission on
Facebook, Twitter and the web


Strawberries app for the iPhone and iPod touch is available immediately as a
free download at the Apple iTunes Store. Click here to download:

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