Kirbie's Cravings

Three Year Blog Anniversary

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My blog turns 3 today! My life has been really busy ever since the New Year, so the anniversary really snuck up on me. I didn’t have time to do anything special, but I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the three years.

Time has flown by, but I still enjoy writing my blog as much now as I did in the beginning. It’s really nice to have this thing that is constantly chronicling my life. It’s easy to miss the day to day changes that are always happening in one’s life, but having these posts to look back on help show the changes occurring.

Looking back at this last year, I would summarize the theme as “coming out.” For the first two years, I hid behind a purple avatar and my computer screen, fiercely protecting my privacy. This last year, I’ve slowly let go a little, stepping out from behind the screen and taking the time to meet many bloggers in San Diego and some in LA too. As a result, I’ve met some wonderful people, and transitioned many virtual friendships into real life friendships. I also got a chance to do some freelance writing for San Diego Magazine, and even faced my fear of being in front of a camera.

I’m still constantly amazed by the power of the internet and how it’s allowed me to connect to people I may otherwise have never met. I received Japanese Kit Kats I’ve been wanting to try. I found my long lost blogger twin.

I don’t have any set goals for my blog. It seems like things are constantly changing from month to month. I’m just going to go with the flow for now.

Thanks to everyone who has been reading.  Seeing that people are reading, and receiving thoughtful and nice comments are what keep me motivated to continue.  I hope in a year I’ll still feel as happy about my blog as I do now. If you’re curious, here’s what I had to say on my second year anniversary.

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    26 comments on “Three Year Blog Anniversary”

    1. congrats!!! i have so many of your recipes bookmarked and always look forward to your new creations!

    2. Congrats and keep blogging!

    3. Congrats / happy anniversary. Your site became one of my favorites even before I met you, here’s to many more years!

    4. Congrats Kirbie! Looking forward to the next three years and beyond!

    5. AWWW. Congratulations. 😀 I don’t think I would have the patience to keep a blog for three entire years!

    6. happy 3 year blogaversary to you! i’m so glad we met last year! i enjoy our outings with the sd foodbloggers! glad i checked out your blog (via kirk’s recommendation)! 🙂

    7. Happy anniversary on your blog! I appreciate your time and efforts to post nearly daily. It’s fun to read your take on certain restaurants, and you’ve provided a lot of great recipes to try.

    8. Happy blog anniversary! I’m happy you’ve stepped out of the privacy filter and I got a chance to meet you.
      Keep up with the blogging, the photos, and everything else. I look forward to reading more about your cravings that remind me I have the same craving 🙂

    9. Congratulations! I forgot how I stumbled upon your blog, but I’ve been reading it for at least a year now. I’m from the Bay Area, but I was in San Diego for a few years when I went to UCSD and your blog is enjoyable because it reminds me of the places and my times down there. I also like that you make occasional visits back up here too because then I can see if any restaurants would appeal to me that I can try nearby.
      Thanks for such great posts and all the time you put into this blog. You definitely have fans and I hope you continue to keep it up!
      Best regards, Kelly.

      • Thanks for following along Kelly even though you aren’t in SD anymore! I’m sorry I don’t have more Bay Area posts. I need to go home more often.

    10. Your blog has come a long way! I remember missing the old format but now I really like the new layout 🙂
      Congrats on a really great 3 years – you’ve been an inspiration for me to start a blog one day too.

      • Thanks for your loyal following! your email tips about new places is always great and all your comments on posts. Yes, what happened to you starting your blog? Perhaps you need some face to face peer pressure. 😉

    11. Dear Kirbie,
      Congraulations for your anniversary! Hope more years to come!!
      Thank you for sharing recipes, the lovely photos and the time you dedicate to write the blog….
      Wish you the best!


    12. Happy 3 years, blog twin! I hope this next year is as Nutella, Hello Kitty and mug-cake filled as the last one 🙂

      PS: Just bought a huge jar of Nutella AND Almond Choco Butter last night. Totally thought of you as I was doing it.

    13. Happy Blogga-versary Kirbie, time sure does fly by!

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