Kirbie's Cravings

Trader Joe’s May Edition

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Trader Joe recently came out with another Fearless Flyer, which prompted a few visits for me. Here are some of the highlights from my shopping trips:


I’d never heard of a Kumato before until my Fearless Flyer ad. They are greenish brown rather than red. They ripen from the inside out and are supposedly super sweet.

I tried them. And indeed, they are sweeter than your average tomato. But not sugary sweet. More like sweet cherry tomatoes.

Coconut Mango Bites

Chewy coconut and mango flavored candy is covered in dark chocolate. These were quite tasty. It’s a little like a 3 Musketeers bar filled with a mixture of coconut and mango.


It’s not a new item, but I didn’t realize Trader Joe’s sold crumpets until the recent ad. I’ve been searching for crumpets as good as the ones we had in Seattle. I’ve attempted to make my own and they didn’t pan out. The TJ ones were pretty good. They are a little saltier than the ones I had in Seattle, but they are still a pretty solid option and we’ve been enjoying crumpets for weekend breakfast, topped with pesto and cheese or Nutella.

Italian Sausage-less Sausage

According to the Fearless Flyer, these promise to taste just like meat. I’ve had vegetarian imitations of meat before, and while I like how they taste, I’ve never been tricked into thinking it actually tastes like meat. I haven’t had a chance to eat these yet. We will be grilling them for Memorial Day. I’ll update this post later with my thoughts on them.

Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans

Not a featured flyer item but a favorite of ours. Mr. K wanted to stock up to get his caffeine buzz for work.

I also spotted in the freezer section that Trader Joe’s now offers a 12 variety pack of macarons, but on each of my visits they were sold out.

That’s it for now. Did I miss any must-try items?


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    17 comments on “Trader Joe’s May Edition”

    1. I like TJs but Im on a budget. When I get a pay raise Ill ABSOLUTELY be there. Right now I limit myself to the naan(2.29,4 spieces) and channa masala(2.29,10oz). Occasionally I’ll get Caramel Popcorn(1.49)but it is so small just 7oz. I miss A&P stores and 5 dime stores like McCrory’s that sold 15oz for 99c!

      Ans when November come I get Trader Joes Mint Joe Joe…mmm mmm good!

      • We have so many Indian restaurants nearby that I end up just going to one when I ave a craving for naan or masala. I haven’t had the mint joe joe, I’ll have to keep a lookout for it in November

    2. Those dark chocolate covered espresso beans are the best! But I like the mint ones even better!!

    3. I saw the crumpets last time I was there and wanted to try them out (my mom’s new thing is crumpets instead of english muffins). My best friend and I are obsessed with their Dark Chocolate covered raisins and their truffles as well. Their truffles are actually really decadent and creamy.

      • I love their truffles too. I haven’t tried the dark chocolate covered raisins yet but they sound delicious.

    4. i found out about the honey roasted mango slivers from one of mary’s posts. she baked cookies with it.

    5. I got the 12 pack of macarons at the local Trader Joes, so I’m working my way through the box. They’re pretty good; I hope you find them soon.

      • I was really excited when I saw the sign, but they haven’t been in stock. I’ll be checking again soon! I can never get enough macarons.

    6. No TJ in Chattanooga, TN. One opened in Nashville last year, I beleive.

      • Oh, I see. I thought you were in the OC because you mentioned Brodard. That is too bad there isn’t one near you.

    7. Hello,

      Found you from your post on Brodard Restaurant. Isn’t that a wonderful restaurant?

      Trader Joe’s – unfortunately, we don’t have one near me. A friend brought me dried spicy mangoes and Turkish figs, and both were excellent!

      • Really? I thought there were many TJ locations in OC. That’s too bad. I love the spicy mangoes! I haven’t yet tried the Turkish figs though, thanks for the suggestion

    8. The regular roasted coconut chips are awesome too! I can’t not finish a bag once I open one.

      • Oh I love that stuff! I posted on it previously which is why I didn’t mention it here. But I always grab a bag when I’m there.

    9. the chocolate mango bites look good. i haven’t seen those before! same with the kumatos.

      i really like their honey roasted almond slivers. just had some as a topping for ice cream, but plan to put them in cookies.

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