Kirbie's Cravings

Day 11 of Giveaways

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Day 3 of giveaways is officially over and a winner has been chosen! Thanks for all the great comments and lovely ideas on how to use honey. I’m definitely going to be trying them out. The winner for Day 3 is Julie!

Welcome to Day 11 of the 12 days of giveaways! If you haven’t already entered, there’s still some time to enter Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9 and Day 10.

On the eleventh day of giveaways, Kirbie’s Cravings gave to me…

Chuao Chocolatier Sampler!

(and for purposes of completing the song, sung to the tune of the 12 days of Christmas, here are the rest of the giveaways)

One lucky reader will receive a sampler of Chuao Chocolatier’s premium chocolate bars. If you are a local San Diegan, Chuao needs no introduction. But even if you aren’t, you may have heard of Chuao because their chocolate is available nationwide in many retail stores and online, and they have gotten coverage from Food Network, Rachel Ray and Dr. Phil, just to name a few.

Chuao Chocolatier (pronounced chew-WOW) is the first Venezuelan Chocolatier based in the United States. It is known for making premium, artisan chocolate that is infused with unusual flavor combinations. For example, they offer a Firecracker chocolate bar which is a chipotle caramel fudge truffle with popping candy, a hint of salt, and dark chocolate. If you are lucky enough to live near one of the cafes in San Diego, you can experience their rich hot chocolate, which comes in flavors like Spicy Maya, a dark hot chocolate mixed with pasilla chile, cayenne pepper and cinnamon. (All these products are available online as well.)

I am always searching for and tasting gourmet chocolate and Chuao is  my favorite place in San Diego when I want to indulge on some luxurious chocolate. I was so excited when Chuao agreed to participate in my giveaway.

The sampler includes four full chocolate bars in the following flavors: firecracker, panko, spicy maya and honeycomb.

One lucky winner will be chosen randomly using a number generated by Contest ends December 22, 2010 at midnight PST. Please note, this contest is open to US readers only. To enter, leave a comment at the end of this post, telling me which flavor you are most interested in trying. (You can visit their website to get a description of the different bars.)

For an additional entry, follow me on twitter (if you don’t already) and tweet the following message:

“Win Chuao Chocolatier sampler @kirbiecravings” Please also leave me a comment to let me know you’ve tweeted this message.

Good luck!

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    49 comments on “Day 11 of Giveaways”

    1. The Earl Grey sounds so delicious!!

      I also tweeted the message.

    2. honeycomb or earl grey~

    3. The honeycomb one! I love dark chocolate!

    4. The panko one sounds delicious!

    5. The UTC cafe is my downfall! If I win I promise to share – but I am keeping the Firecracker bar.

    6. Panko Bar would be something I would find tasty, but I’d love all chocolate so any of them would be great!

    7. mmm… Spicy Maya, sounds like Spicy Man. Delicious.

    8. Firecracker

    9. Definitely the panko – how good does that sound? Yum!!!

    10. Definitely the Firecracker one- love spicy chocolates!

    11. The Spicy Maya sounds phenomenal, though the Panko is intriguing!

    12. I would love to try the Spicy Maya. I’ve had their hot chocolate and it’s so good. I actually want to use some of their more interesting chocolate to make chocolate mousse.

    13. The Panko bar sounds pretty interesting to me.

    14. Anything dark chocolate is good!

    15. Can you believe I’ve never tried this chocolate before? I keep hearing about it – I gotta get me some and soon! The Honeycomb sounds delish…in fact they all do!

    16. Spicey Maya

    17. Firecracker sounds delish!

    18. I love anything spicy – ironically, I have never tried spicy chocolates…the maya or firecracker sound intriguing.

    19. honeycomb please!!

    20. Ooh… honeycomb sounds interesting!

    21. Spicy maya for me too! I am actually torn between this and Firecracker.

    22. Really intrigued by the panko…

    23. Chocolate. My first love. The firecracker sounds really good.

    24. Honeycomb sounds so good!

    25. Definitely the Earl Grey Chocolate Bar!! 🙂

    26. panko sounds fascinating!

    27. Definitely panko! 🙂

    28. The Caracas Dark Chocolate sounds yummy 🙂

    29. hi kirbie – the honeycomb!

    30. the Firecrackers sounds delicious!

    31. Mmmm the panko sounds amazing!

    32. I don’t know if this one is in your giveaway but i was just on their site and saw earl grey! YUM

    33. I love the spicy maya.

    34. i’d love to try the panko bars!

    35. I work right across the parking lot from Chuao’s factory. It smells absolutely amazing. I’d love to try their dark chocolate with caramelized honey. Hmm, maybe I’ll walk over there and ask for a sample! 🙂

    36. Definitely the firecracker!

    37. I’d like to try the Spicy Maya!

    38. I love Chuao’s spicy maya chocolate. I’ve also had their earl grey, which is good too.

    39. definitely try the honeycomb!

    40. The Firecracker sounds amazing!