Kirbie's Cravings

Day 12 of giveaways

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Apologies for those who were checking my blog today wondering what happened to the final day of giveaways. Some stuff came up and I couldn’t get the post done until now.

Day 4 of giveaways is officially over and a winner has been chosen! The winner for Day 4 is Soo!

Welcome to the final day of giveaways! Now that it’s here, I kind of wish I had done something spectacular for the final day, but I didn’t. Sorry. I tried to keep all the giveaway days as even as possible. If you haven’t already entered, there’s still some time to enter Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, and Day 11.

On the twelvth day of giveaways, Kirbie’s Cravings gave to me…

Amazon gift card!

(and for purposes of completing the song, sung to the tune of the 12 days of Christmas, here are the rest of the giveaways)

One lucky reader will be given $25 to Amazon to buy whatever their heart desires. I am a very frequent user of amazon for all my needs. If Amazon sells it, I buy it from there. From my pretty bundt pans, other kitchenware, baking ingredients, books, music, etc.

One lucky winner will be chosen randomly using a number generated by Contest ends December 23, 2010 at midnight PST. Please note, this contest is open to US readers only. To enter, leave a comment at the end of this post, telling me what kind of purchases you usually make on Amazon.

For an additional entry, follow me on twitter (if you don’t already) and tweet the following message:

“Win $25 Amazon gift card @kirbiecravings” Please also leave me a comment to let me know you’ve tweeted this message.

Good luck!

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    51 comments on “Day 12 of giveaways”

    1. I usually buy books and cds from Amazon.

      I tweeted the message too.

    2. Amazon is great for everything! I have my eye on a few video games on there right now.

    3. i don’t go on amazon a lot, but i usually buy cds from there (:

    4. I would put it towards a new kitchen pan!

    5. Hi! I love buying from Amazon, they have everything! I usually buy Studio Pink shoes because they have every model imaginable and they always have my size

    6. mostly tech stuff. or textbooks for school. 😛 or anything i want that i’m too lazy to go in a store for. 🙂

    7. I’m usually buying kitchen stuff

    8. I shop on the Amazon site a lot also.

    9. Well I usually buy books (college student), but if I won this, I’d definitely buy something more fun for myself! 🙂

    10. I usually get books through Amazon. They’re usually at a better rate than other places.

    11. I buy random things through amazon. Sometimes I feel like books and some days I feel like hello kitty things.

    12. I usually buy books and toys on amazon but I never thought about baking supplies. I will have to remember that next time.

    13. I usually buy books but I’ve also gotten electronics and dvd’s on Amazon, too.

    14. Books! They beat Costco’s prices most of the time !

    15. I get a lot of books and movies on Amazon

    16. boooks for my daughters classes

    17. A random variety

    18. GASP I hope i win this!

    19. I usually buy my kids textbooks from amazon

    20. also I posted a tweet about your giveaway!

    21. Amazon is amazing, generally we buy books and movies, at the moment I would probably buy more kitchen stuff 🙂

    22. We buy cookware items and books mostly…we’d probably use the gift certificate towards a zojirushi water dispenser, I’ve been wanting one so bad!

    23. I would buy headphones

    24. My Amazon purchases are usually CDs or gifts for people I find through browsing.

    25. I have a little girl – so I usually end up buying things for her on Amazon that were too expensive at the Toys R Us or Target. Free super saver shipping is awesome!

    26. We buy a lot from Amazon! The list is way too long. Basically if Amazon has it, most likely I’ll buy from Amazon.

    27. I use amazon for so many different things
      1. textbooks
      2. Cookware

      maybe turkish delight…i would totally get some if I won this gift card

    28. I usually buy DVDs on Amazon but lately I’ve been buying cookbooks!

    29. I’m thinking about getting an ice cream maker, so I’ll probably use the gift card towards that

    30. I usually buy books from amazon.
      I mean they have awesome amazon student prime membership for free.
      Their books are cheaper and ship fast!

    31. I love Amazon! I’ve bought everything there, from books to food to software.

    32. I buy a variety of things.

    33. Generally, Amazon is where I buy guitar strings, video games, and movies on DVD.

    34. I usually buy my cookbooks on amazon 🙂

    35. I usually buy CD’s.

    36. I buy presents for people and electronics!

    37. I buy almost everything from Amazon too! You advised me to get a food scale before and I got one from Amazon! It works great 🙂 so glad I took your advice. I also buy other things like cookie pans, treat bags, dry milk, instant yeast, and even a Mario Chess set 🙂

    38. hi kirbie
      i usually buy books or mp3’s. 🙂

    39. I usually buy stuff for my kids…toys, clothes, books

    40. I usually buy music CDs and books on

    41. I buy a lot of my textbooks on Amazon.

    42. Textbooks 🙁

    43. I’m an Amazon book junkie. =P

    44. Recently, I bought laundry detergent on Amazon. Like you, I buy a LOT of stuff from Amazon.