Kirbie's Cravings

The Mission

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With three locations in San Diego and hundreds of positive reviews on yelp, The Mission is a popular brunch spot.  I’ve been wanting to check out The Mission for a long time now but I’m usually too lazy to go eat brunch and I don’t like waiting in line for a popular place.

With friends visiting this weekend, we decided to go check out one of The Mission locations. We went to the one in North Park. To our surprise, there was no wait when we got there and quite a few empty tables. Granted, it was almost 2 by the time we arrived, but I was still pretty surprised how empty it was.

We took a few minutes to browse through the menu. There were a lot of options and many of them sounded quite interesting. The prices were also pretty reasonable.

Future Husband (“FH”) spotted a Mission Mocha Thai on the menu and decided to get that as his drink. It’s a mocha espresso with condensed milk (similar to how condensed milk is used in Thai iced tea which is why it’s called a Mocha Thai).  He normally hates coffee and puts loads of sugar in his coffee, so he was excited to try a coffee with condensed milk.

The oversized coffee cup arrived frothing with whipped creamed. I found the coffee to be really sweet with the addition of condensed milk. I think the FH was expecting it to taste like candy, but it still tasted like coffee.

I brought out my semi new Lumix GF1 camera for this trip. It’s a more portable version of a dslr. I’ve mentioned in some previous posts about having problems figuring this camera out. Of course, now that I had a friend around who is a photographer, my camera was on its best behavior and I couldn’t show him the previous problems I was experiencing. I really like this coffee shot.

Another drink on the menu was the Vincent Vega, a coca cola with a shot of espresso and vanilla syrup. My friend decided to order it. He thought the taste was “interesting” and he liked it.

When our brunch plates arrived, I was very impressed with the quantity of food. It was quite hard to finish everything.

I opted for the french toast because people on yelp raved about it. I was served a huge plate with three long pieces of cinnamon french toast, topped with some powdered sugar, blueberries and a blueberry syrup.

The french toast was delicious and worthy of the good reviews. It was also too much for me to handle. I was only able to polish off two pieces. My friends gladly ate the third.

I also got a side of eggs and the famous Rosemary potatoes. So much food! The rosemary potatoes were nice and crispy and quite good.

FH and one of my friends both got the papas con chorizo, which is soy chorizo served with black beans, crispy potatoes, japaleno, cheese, salsa, and some tortillas. You can also add eggs to the plate, which they both did.

I had a couple of bites and really enjoyed the soy chorizo. Since they both polished off their plates, they obviously loved it too.

My other friend ordered a sandwich (I forgot which one), made with The Mission’s special rosemary bread.  She really loved the bread.

We had a pleasant time here and really enjoyed our food. I can definitely see why this spot is so popular for brunch. My only complaint was that service was a little slow considering how empty it was when we went. We’ll definitely be back and we’ll probably go late again next time to avoid the crowds.

The Mission
2801 University Ave
San Diego, CA 92104

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    10 comments on “The Mission”

    1. I went to The Mission in North Park for the first time yesterday! And, funny… I ordered the SAME exact thing as you, french toast, potatoes and scrambled eggs. It was definitely yummy and I can’t wait to try other dishes there.

    2. actually i knew where the vincent vega reference was from. i didn’t know if you got it. i thought it was hilarious. ‘pulp fiction’ is one of my favorite movies. and yes, it was the drink john travolta had at ‘jack rabbit slim’s’, ha ha.

      • No I totally did not get it until you brought it up. I didn’t even think anything of it. I’ve seen Pulp Fiction, but only once so I don’t remember the details. Thanks for alerting me to the reference though!

    3. i agree. its fresh, good food…not mind numbingly good, but good. =)

    4. I went to the one in mission beach with my brother on a foggy monday morning and I loved it there, I somehow havent made it back there. This needs to change!

      • Yes you should go back! I had such a nice breakfast here. I’m usually not much of a breakfast person, but I really enjoyed my meal and so did everyone else in my party.

    5. hi kirbie
      i’ve always wondered about this place, with 3 locations and all.

      do you know where the ‘vincent vega’ reference is from? that’s kind of funny!

      • I thought the food was pretty good. I definitely wouldnt sit around for 30-60 minutes to wait for a table, but I’d go again during off hours. You know I never even thought about what Vincent Vega was until you asked. But now I just asked FH and he told me it was what John Travolta drank on Pulp Fiction. I had no idea.

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