Kirbie's Cravings

85C Bakery and Cafe

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This past weekend, the popular 85ºC Bakery and Cafe chain opened its first location in San Diego to record breaking crowds waiting for the fresh breads, drinks and cakes that the bakery offers.

As much as I wanted to stay away, I couldn’t resist. I actually ended up visiting twice: once during the soft opening Thursday night and again on Saturday evening. They had a few deals during the grand opening weekend that I couldn’t resist!

I’ve posted about 85C before, having visited several of their other locations in Southern California. For those unfamiliar, it’s a chain originally from Taiwan that opened its first US location in Irvine a few years ago. Since then, the chain has expanded throughout California, with several stores opening in Los Angeles and in Northern California.

The reason for its popularity is it’s Asian-style breads. Not only are there more than 30 different varieties available, but they are constantly churning out new batches, with the magical tune of “fresh bread” being announced nearly every five minutes during store hours. The cafe also offers a variety of drinks, being one of the first on the trend of sea salt foam coffee. Finally, the bakery also bakes up beautiful cakes, which you can purchase whole or by the slice.

Taiwan is quite well known for their bakeries. I’ve had a hard time finding Chinese bakeries in the US that can produce breads as fresh, soft, or fluffy, until 85C. And while it’s still not as good as the ones I’ve had in Taiwan, it’s definitely the closest.

The grand opening was Friday. On Thursday evening, they had a small soft opening. They invited nearby residents and some fans on Facebook, giving the employees a chance for a practice run. I was extremely fortunate to have a good friend who was invited to the soft opening and was allowed to invite a few friends and he thought of me and Mr. K.

That evening, they had a good selection of breads, cakes and drinks. We were given 4 tickets to pay for our purchases, with each ticket entitling us to one item.

Even though I usually come for the breads and a sea salt coffee, we decided to try out some of the cakes on this visit. Normally, we don’t order the cakes because they don’t keep well in the car and we usually stop at 85C during a road trip. I’ve had some of their cakes for my past birthdays and really enjoyed them, so we decided to try a few more slices this time.

This is what we ended up getting:

Mango delight, Chocolate pearl, cream cheese custard, strawberry tiramisu, mango panna cotta, almond half moon

We also got the sea salt coffee. It has a layer of lightly salted foam on top, which when mixed with the coffee, give it an extra sweetness, much like sprinkling sea salt on cookies.

Friday morning was the grand opening. The first 500 customers received a “surprise gift,” which was a raffle ticket for various prizes. I knew it would be madness (I heard they had nearly 800 customers in three hours, breaking previous grand opening records). It so happened Mr. K had an appointment nearby and I asked him to swing by and just take a picture. The line wrapped around the building!

It seemed though, that by late Friday afternoon, the line had gotten considerably shorter, with people reporting wait times of only 15-20 minutes. So on Saturday, we decided to try to visit for ourselves.

During the grand opening weekend, they were giving out a mug with $20 purchase and a coupon for a free sea salt coffee for each drink you purchased. I just couldn’t resist!

We  passed by in the morning, but the line was at the Vitamin store which was too long for me. We then went again around 5pm, and the line was pretty short. We only waited about 15 minutes. Of course, once we got in, there was barely any bread on the shelves. Everyone was buying so much that they simply couldn’t bake fast enough.

The shelves are usually stocked, but they were mostly empty with just a few trays filled with custards, cookies and a few bread varieties. Once we got the ones we wanted, we got in line for check-out. While waiting in this line, as soon as fresh bread came out, the employees would go directly to the people in line, letting customers add to their tray since the offerings at the bread area were so slim.

The two best selling breads at 85C are the brioche and the marble taro. At the other locations of 85C, they are so popular that they usually just keep it behind the register rather than on the shelves and you can request the breads when you go to pay. Since so many people wanted them this weekend, they didn’t ever have any extra to put out. A lot of people were simply standing around and waiting, asking people to go in front of them in line, as they waited for the next batch.

When we went to pay, we asked if it was possible to order the brioche. You do have to wait for them, but you can go sit down at a table and wait and not stand around in line. The wait didn’t seem nearly as bad since we were seated and eating our cakes and drinking our coffees.

We ordered drinks and got coupons for free sea salt coffee in exchange for each drink purchased. We also purchased several brioche (we had to wait about 20 minutes, but it went by quickly since we were eating and drinking), tiramisu cake, and a coffee flavored bread.

With our added brioche breads, we also made the $20 limit, so I got my mug. I love it!

They were also handing out these keychains to all the customers.

I often get asked which are the breads to get here. I definitely recommend their best seller brioche. I also really enjoy the marble taro, giant brioche and calamari sticks.


This is a sweet, buttery, soft loaf with no filling.

Giant Brioche

Similar to the Taiwanese pineapple bun, but in a giant cupcake form.

Calamari Stick

This is like garlic bread, but the bread is made with squid ink. It’s a savory roll that is also one of the cheapest things you can get ($1 each).

Marble Taro

An extremely soft bread with swirls of taro paste within.

Tip: While the bread offerings vary from day to day, the brioche and marble taro are constants. If you don’t see them on the shelves, you can usually order them at the register.

Despite the craziness, things weren’t too bad Saturday evening and I’m sure the bakery will only continue to settle in. We had a good time though and I was happy that the quality of the breads were on par with the other locations in the US I’ve been to.

Welcome to San Diego, 85C!


85C Bakery and Cafe
5575 Balboa Ave, San Diego, CA 92111

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20 comments on “85C Bakery and Cafe”

  1. Oh man! We went there on Friday night about 8pm or so and the line was around the corner!

    It was a complete madhouse!

    But, the plus side was that they had bakers there all night, so they had fresh buns coming out every so often. Almost made up for the hour plus we stood in line outside.

    • I was wondering how late they would be baking. Normally during the later hours they no longer are making more bread, just selling drinks and cakes, but it’s good to know they were continuing to bake so late for everyone who went opening day!

  2. i am on thanksgiving break next week, so i will probably check it when they open in the morning with tc. 

    several of the older kids in tc’s dance company work here, including two nephews.  all i have to say is, they better bring us some free #$@% at our family parties, haha.   seriously, they better.

  3. Very awesome, the bread sounds so great. I had a friend buy one bread for me once and I loved it, that was the only taste I’ve had so far. I wasn’t able to make it this weekend but hopefully soon! The keychain is SO CUTE.

  4. Hey Kirbie – I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist! ;o)

    • haha, you know me too well! After I was lucky enough to go Thursday night I kept saying “okay this will hold me over for the next few weeks.” And then the very next day I was already wanting to go back. Luckily, Mr. K is understanding enough to indulge in my craziness

  5. I’ll probably get out there next week. Hopefully by then the line won’t be so crazy. 

  6. I thought about asking T to drive by Saturday night since we were kind of in the area, but I knew if there was a line outside he’d never go for it. I can’t wait to finally get over there, though!

    • I think the lines are usually shortest somewhere in the late afternoon and early evening. when we left, even thought it was dinnertime, the line was long again. Also maybe first thing in the morning it shouldnt be as bad

  7. Congrats on the cool swag!  I’ll have to try that place sometime when the crowd dies down…

  8. Ciao Jennifer, ti scrivo dall’Italia. Ho acquistato il tuo libro al supermercato sabato scorso ed è stata per me una scoperta sensazionale. Incuriosita, oggi ho fatto subito il mug cake al cioccolato semplice e sono rimasta deliziata. Poi ho provato quello col cuore fondente e sono rimasta stupita. Dopo un’altra ora ho fatto quello ai mirtilli. Non ne avevo mai abbastanza. Sono tutte  deliziose. Chissà le altre… domani continuerò a provarle! Non ho parole per farti i complimenti che meriti. Un bacio!

  9. While it looked busy on your visits, it doesn’t sound like it was utter chaos! I resisted the urge to visit this past weekend, but I’m going to check it out this week. My parents are visiting over Thanksgiving, and I know they would enjoy their breads (they live in Northern California, but nowhere near an 85C).

    • I thought things were pretty well organized. There was a little disorganization, but given the crowds and the fact that it was brand new, I thought they handled things as well as they could. I left with all the breads I wanted to without feeling like I was there for hours. I know they also had some staff from Irvine that came over just for the weekend to help train and work the lines. Btw, this week they are giving a tote with $15 purchase. =)

  10. JEALOUS! It sounds like I need to move to California since you guys have all the great eats out there. I wish we had an 85C around us! I miss their breakfast pastries.