Kirbie's Cravings

Life Update

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It’s been a long time since I’ve shared a life update. With all the things that have happened this year and everyone going through so much, it never felt like the right time. But as I count down the last few hours of 2020, I wanted to take a moment to share some personal news and shed some light on some of the changes that happened to the blog this past year and what is to come.

Earlier this year we welcomed a new addition to our family. A baby boy!

I never made a pregnancy announcement, so I know this news comes as a surprise for most of you. As much as I wanted to share the news earlier, I am a very superstitious person and didn’t want to say anything until it had actually happened.

My pregnancy had several scares along the way and all the way up until the final moments, so it made it hard for us to simply enjoy the experience or share the good news. But we are very fortunate that things did work out and he is everything we could have wanted and more and he’s brought us so much joy.

I might share more about the journey at a later time. I’ve debated back and forth whether I should or whether I should keep things just about the food. And on that note…


My limited amount of time is why I’ve cut back on the number of new posts published each week and why most of my recipes are quick and easy ones with minimal ingredients since I have to squeeze in all my recipe testing during baby naps. In 2021 I hope to continue to share more easy recipes, healthier recipes and a few more complicated recipes when I have the time.

San Diego Dining

My San Diego dining posts have been very sparse and it’s not because we haven’t been eating out. We continue to check out new restaurants and support local businesses via takeout. However, with the constant changing of status for restaurants, I haven’t wanted to write a post about an experience that may no longer be accurate by the time I get around to publishing. So I’ve mainly been sharing my dining experiences through Instagram stories, since that platform allows me to share near real time. I plan on continuing to share over on Instagram but also hope to do full posts regularly on the blog again in the future.

Trader Joe and Costco Hauls

I put a temporary pause on my grocery hauls but also hope to continue them at some point in 2021.

Happy New Year!

That’s all for now. Stay safe and Happy New Year!

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34 comments on “Life Update”

  1. Happy New Year, and congratulations on your adorable baby boy! I remember when you were announcing your first book, and that you had big news about a four letter word starting with B. Naturally, I thought baby! Let’s all hope that 2021 will be a much better year than 2020 …

    • Hi Sandy- You have a great memory! When I was writing this post I thought about that announcement too and was going to reference it. Something along the lines of “a four letter word starting with b…another book! Just kidding! This time it’s a baby!” But I didn’t think anyone would remember that post. It makes me really happy you remembered. Happy New Year and I hope 2021 will be good for you and your family.

  2. Congrats! 2020 def was a curveball. But glad there were some bright spots here and there. Your son is adorable! Hopefully he gives you and Mr. K lots of zzz’s at night. ;p Wishing you and the fam a great 2021! 

  3. Congratulations on your baby boy! He’s so gorgeous.

  4. Congratulations on your baby boy! I found your blog when we first moved to San Diego in 2014 and some of our best meals were based on your reviews and recommendations. We moved this past October and we miss San Diego SO MUCH but your blog makes me a little less homesick 🙂 Thanks for running such a great site! 

    • Aww, I’m so glad I was able to help you find some good places to try. I hope you’ll be back to visit SD sometime. And thank you!

  5. Congratulations on your beautiful son. Life just become a lot more beautiful…

  6. Congrats a million times over kirbie – my heart is so full for you and your family. The completeness you feel is one I hope you can share with your readers in the future. May this new year bring you all that your heart (and tummy!) deserves –

    • Hi Faye! It’s so good to hear from you. I hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for the kind words and sentiment. I hope this new year is good for you and your family.

  7. Congratulations on your beautiful baby!

  8. <3 Happy new year!

  9. Oh my…it is indeed a Happy New Year Kirbie! In spite of how 2020 has played out; I am heartened to see this. Congratulations on the little one and a new phase in your life. I’m sure you’ll have quite the story for him! It has indeed been a challenging year…..but there is always hope. Take care!

  10. Happy New Year and congratulations on your baby boy!

  11. Oh my, congratulations on the new addition to your family! He is so peacefully beautiful in that photo, and the design on the blanket is adorable! Wishing you all the best in this New Year, and hoping you and your family stay safe and healthy! (Longtime reader, but first time commenter, I think.)

    • Thank you for commenting! The first week we were in the hospital he would sleep this peacefully all day long and then wouldn’t sleep a wink all night long! Thank you for the well wishes. I hope you have a Happy New Year and your family stays safe and healthy.

  12. Congratulations on the new addition! So glad to hear that you’re still planning to continue having new posts–especially the Trader Joe’s and Costco hauls; those are some of my favorites! Many wishes for a happy 2021!

    • Thank you for the well wishes! I’ve had so many people ask me about my TJ and Costco posts. They’ve always been such fun posts for me to do, so I definitely want to bring them back. Happy 2021 and I hope you have a safe and healthy year!

  13. All food pics look great!   And – what is, and where did you eat, that fabulous “bread log cabin, with egg-roof”?    

    And most importantly:
    Congratulations on the birth of your first child!  

    • Hi Lorri- the bread is the White Truffle Garlic Bread from North Italia. I love it! We ate at the Del Mar location quite often in 2020 and did takeout a lot when everything shut down. I hope you get to try it sometime. And thank you!

  14. What a beautiful baby! To have a blessing like him this year is very reaffirming in how life goes on in spite of circumstances around us. Congratulations

  15. Congrats and happy new year!

  16. Sincere congratulations on your precious baby boy, may God bless all of you and
    I only pray 2021 will be a BETTER year for all of us. It will take a long time to forget the sad and lonely time for so many of us.
    It was a horrible year for me as well. Take care and God bless and watch over you and yours.

    Prayers and good wishes to you. Mary

  17. Congratulations on your wonderful baby boy! And a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! Always love your recipes I’m getting ready to make the keto lasagna for a family meal on Saturday I was going over ingredients on post and noticed your updates from yesterday. It’s been a very trying year and I’m hopeful this one will be much better. Thank you for these wonderful recipes you share to us. Thank you dearly for this update and sharing. 

    • Thank you! I’m so glad you are enjoying the recipes. I hope I can share some more ones you’ll like this year. Happy New Year and I hope it’s a safe and healthy one for you and your family.