Kirbie's Cravings

Blog Changes

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So if you haven’t noticed already, there are some changes in appearance with my blog. While I’ve made some changes before, this is the biggest change I’ve made because I’ve switched hosts.

I’ve been thinking of changing hosts for a while. While typepad is great for someone not tech savvy like me, it had a lot of limitations too. So I finally pulled the trigger, and of course the move ended up being a lot more complicated than I bargained for.  All the people who say the transition is easy and smooth are lying. I spent most of the weekend trying to get things up and running.

I believe all the changes have been made so that there shouldn’t be any errors, broken links, etc. But if you encounter any, please let me know so I can look into it.  Also, if you have myold  typepad address bookmarked, saved, linked, etc,  if you could please update it to, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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    3 comments on “Blog Changes”

    1. Pingback: Blog Changes | Online REL

    2. I’m glad you came back. I was wondering about your format.
      Yeah switching it not easy ..I recently switched from to word press and I only had a few posts and it was still such a hassle.

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