Kirbie's Cravings

SDRW Taste recap and Taste of Downtown Giveaway

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For those who did not get a chance to participate in the recent San Diego Restaurant Week Taste event, I’m giving away a pair of tickets to another upcoming taste event, Taste of Downtown. Details are at the end of this post.

As you may recall, I previously gave away tickets to the first annual SDRW Taste event, a kick-off before Restaurant Week started. I also received complimentary tickets to attend with the DH and I was quite curious how it would be like.

Like many, I was a little surprised by the price ($75 per person), since the other taste events I’ve participated in are usually around $30.  Once I arrived though, I soon understand the high price point. Unlike other taste events I’ve been to, the bites and drinks at this event were truly unlimited. In addition, every single food station was paired with an alcohol beverage, leading to one very boozy night. The quality of the bites were also a bit higher than previous taste events I’ve been to. My favorite part was that even though there was a large crowd, it was easy to sample each booth. There weren’t super long lines or waits at any station with the exception of Slater’s 50/50, which had a small line going most of the night because they were making their famous burgers on the spot.

The event took place at the Broadway Pier right before sunset, providing for some magnificent views. Half of the booths were situated inside and half outside. It was pretty impossible to have the stomach to consume everything offered. DH and I tried to hit most of the food ones and opted to skip most of the alcohol ones. I wisely let DH handle my camera early on in the evening.

Here’s a highlight of some of my favorites:

Tuna lettuce wrap from Marble Room; Beef tongue sandwich from Cowboy Star; Pretzel Rolls from Sadie Rose Baking Co., Caramel Panna Cotta from Cucina Urbana; Green papaya salad and Thai Tea from Chedi Thai Bistro; Hamachi from FireFly; Filet Mignon Wraps and Sandwiches from Donovans; Hubert’s Lemonade (mainly because of the cute bottles and you could take it to-go); Slater’s 50/50.

If I had to pick one favorite for the night though, it would be Lump Crab Martini from La Gran Terraza. This restaurant is open to the public though it’s located inside University of San Diego. I had just read a post about it on Mary’s blog, and was really impressed with their appetizer which was not only tasty but creative. A tasty crab cake sat inside a martini glass. On top of the crab cake was a dollop of sorbet which tasted like a martini when it melted on your tongue.

Towards the end of the night Specialty Produce began giving away its display of fruits and vegetables to guests. Sweet! We got a bag full of various veggies and an entire box of sweet and juicy warren pears.

Here’s some more photos from the night:

We had a lot of fun. Out of all the taste events I’ve been to in San Diego, this was by far my favorite one. I loved the space, the easy access to food, and the unlimited bites and drinks. Sometimes I attend an event and am glad I did it once but don’t care to do it again. This is one I’m looking forward to attending again.

Now onto my giveaway. Thursday, October 11, 2012 from 5-9pm is Taste of Downtown. There will be  50 restaurants participating.Click on the link to see the complete list.  I’ve attended in the past. It’s a lot of fun and a lot of food. Tickets are $30, but I’m giving away two tickets on my blog.

I will use to draw the winner. Contest ends Sunday October 7, 2012 at 5pm. I will contact the winner and they must respond within 48 hours with their name and the name of their guest. If I do not hear from the winner within 24 hours, I will select a new winner. Good luck!

You can enter up to three times:

1. Leave a comment at the end of this post, telling me which downtown participating restaurant you are most interested in trying.

2. Like this post on Facebook. Then leave a separate comment at the end of this post telling me you’ve done so. Make sure it is a separate entry from your comment so that it will be counted as an additional entry. Please do not leave a comment telling me you’ve liked it on FB if you haven’t because I do check.

3. Tweet the following message “Enter for a chance to win 2 tickets to Taste of Downtown via @kirbiecravings” Then leave a separate comment at the end of this post telling me you’ve done so. Make sure it is a separate entry from your comment so that it will be counted as an additional entry. Please do not leave a comment telling me you’ve tweeted it if you haven’t because I do check.


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    54 comments on “SDRW Taste recap and Taste of Downtown Giveaway”

    1. I liked it on FB too!

    2. Saltbox! I always walk by and the menu looks so exquisite!

    3. I also liked your post on Facebook

    4. I’d love to try Toast! We just did taste of North Park and it was great! Would love to do this one 🙂

    5. Most interested in trying the Saltbox.

    6. I liked the post!

    7. Wow, this looked fantastic! OMG that Lump Crab Martini.

      I have to say that Red Light District and Barleymash both look pretty awesome. Thanks Kirbie!

    8. I like your post on Facebook and follow

    9. I can’t believe I haven’t been to Proper – I will remedy that if I win the tickets!

    10. Also entered on Facebook!

    11. I want to try Ocean Room

    12. Also liked your FB page/post 🙂

    13. Would love to see what BarleyMash has to offer!

    14. Just tweeted about your giveaway (@sunnipq)!

    15. I also liked your post on facebook!

    16. I’ve never been to Cafe Sevilla and I’ve been meaning to try the place out!

    17. Donovan’s Prime Seafood!

    18. martini lump crab please!

    19. liked on fb! 😀

    20. I’d like to give Donovan’s a try!

    21. I would love to try donovan seafood prime steak!

    22. Liked your FB page.

    23. I like to try Cafe Sevilla.

    24. Also liked post on FB

    25. Proper Gastropub

    26. I also liked you on fb!!

    27. I want to take my girlfriend to Donovan’s!!

    28. Tweeted! You have been tweeted!

    29. I liked your post on your page!

    30. Your FB post has been liked!

    31. I’ve wanted to try Donovan’s for a little while.

    32. I want to try EVERYTHING!!! Here’s the top ones I haven’t yet tried on my list: La Gran Terraza, Marble Room, Katsuya 😀

    33. I’d like to try Saltbox! I have heard good things about it. 🙂

    34. I would like to try Proper Gastropub!

    35. Would like to try the food at Acqua Al 2. It would probably remind me of my recent visit to Florence.

    36. I would like to try katsuya!

    37. i also already like your fb page

    38. like too @ fb

    39. i want to try katsuya

    40. I’d love to re-visit Cafe Sevilla; haven’t been there since they closed for remodeling.

    41. Lump Crab Martini from La Gran Terraza looks tasty! 🙂

    42. I also liked the post on FB!

      Thank you again for the contest!!

    43. My jealousy mode is on full blast right now :3 The event looked AMAZING and the food ….. T.T I can’t believe Cucina Urbana had samples of their panna cotta!! That was my favoriteeeee thing off their restaurant week menu. And you even walked away with veggies from Specialty Produce?! Le sighhh Sorry for the over dramatic comment LOL

      Anyways, I want to try Proper Gastropub. Even the name sounds tasty!

      Thank you for the contest!!

    44. And, as always, I like you very much on facebook 😉

    45. Ooo, the Asti Ristorante sounds pretty fancy, but I rarely get downtown at all so anything would be a real treat!

    46. I’d like to enter to win the 2 free tickets to Taste Downtown! I would give the tickets to my mom and sister, as I’m now located in NYC (originally from San Diego though), but would urge them to try Acqua al 2 (went to the restaurant in Florence and it was amazing!!) I also just tweeted about it @ValsBakedGoods

    47. I have not been to Cafe Sevilla in awhile, so I’d be interested in trying it again! Thanks!

    48. After reading your post on Katsuya, I would have to say that is the one I am the most curious about 🙂

    49. I’d like to try Stout. We eat out Downtown a lot, but don’t usually venture over to the financial district.

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