Okay, I know I said I was finished with the giveaways for this holiday season, but I got this last minute opportunity to host a giveaway for a 12-month subscription to Food & Wine Magazine, and since most of my readers enjoy food, I thought this would be a great giveaway opportunity.
Picture from Food & Wine Magazine website
One lucky winner will receive a year subscription to Food & Wine magazine courtesy of Bravo and Top Chef. Do you follow Top Chef? I started watching the Top Chef series two seasons ago. Last season, I liked the eventual winner, Paul, almost immediately, and was so happy to see him win.
This season, I’ve especially enjoyed watching Top Chef Seattle since I’ve been to Seattle before and it’s cool to see them go to spots I’ve been to and it also has given me a list of ideas of where to go on my next trip to Seattle.
Spoiler alert: If you haven’t watched tonight’s episode, I will be discussing it for the next few paragraphs.
So before tonight’s episode, I would say that while I didn’t have a clear favorite, I was leaning towards Chef Kristen, but I didn’t think she stood out enough or had enough experience to win the whole thing. Still, I marvel at how skinny she is and I enjoy her work ethic. Of course, tonight was the episode that she really showed her abilities, but I want to state for the record that I liked her even before she started winning!
Another chef I had a soft spot for, even thought she never seemed to show her true potential, was Chef Kuniko. She seemed like the sweetest person ever and her story to becoming a chef is pretty amazing. So far she’s winning the vote for favorite chef to have a chance to compete in the finale of Last Chance Kitchen and potentially get back on the show, so I guess I’m not alone in really liking her.
I found the quick fire challenge today with the foil particularly interesting. I was hoping that I could find more uses for my foil, but unfortunately I didn’t learn too much. I absolutely loved that Kristen tried a cake though and that it turned out so well.And how she managed to get all the ingredients for the cake and not end up with something weird when everything was wrapped in foil is beyond me.
Speaking of Kristen, when she talked about being adopted, I couldn’t help but notice that there are at least 3 contestants on this season who have discussed being adopted. I wonder if this is just a coincidence that there are so many, or if there are some studies that show that there is a higher population of adopted kids who are chefs.
Now onto the giveaway. One lucky winner will receive a year subscription to Food & Wine Magazine. This contest will run until December 26, 2012 11:59 pm PST. To enter, leave a comment at the end of this post telling me who your favorite contestant is this season on Top Chef. If you haven’t been watching, tell me what you look forward to most about receiving a subscription to Food & Wine magazine.
For additional entries:
1. Like this post on Facebook. Then leave a separate comment at the end of this post telling me you’ve done so. Make sure it is a separate comment so that it is counted a separate entry.
2. Tweet the following message “Win a year subscription to Food & Wine Magazine @kirbiecravings https://wp.me/p17wwJ-3KA #topchef” Then leave a separate comment at the end of this post telling me you’ve done so and link to your tweet. Make sure it is a separate comment so that it is counted a separate entry.
Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Bravo.
I’m from Colorado, so I was originally rooting for the impossible– for Eliza, Jorel and Tyler to be the top three finishers. They’ve all packed their knives now, so I’m especially liking Sheldon. Like Kirsten, he exudes understated competence that really stands out and is welcome amid the clatter and chatter, trash talk and tiny tiffs.
tweeted! https://twitter.com/hapatite/status/283301224315498497
My favorite contestant this season was definitely Noriko!
I’m sort of rooting for Josh since he’s a fellow Okie, but Kristen really is my favorite. She’s consistently good, imaginative, and she doesn’t seem to have the obnoxious attitude that so many cooking show contestants seem to have.
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/kawaiidragon88/status/282572442415812609
I liked your post on FB.
I’d love to learn about the latest dishes and food trends in Food & Wine.
I like the post on FB!
I love cooking and getting the mag would be a thrill!
I liked Kuniko, but I like Kristen, too, and she’s definitely come to the front of the pack this week!
I like Chef Kuniko and Kristen. Tough to choose between the two though.
I received a Food & Wine sub a few years back, which I enjoyed. I liked the mix of food with wine since I am horrible at pairing the two.
Liked you post on facebook 🙂
Liked the post on facebook .Thanks for posting!
I want the Food and Wine subscription for our iPAD. I love their feature of best new chefs each year!
I want to learn more about wine!
Would love a subscription!
I like kristin as well!
I love the gorgeous food photography and looking to cook everything from the magazine!
I Liked the post on FB
I like Kristen as well – I feel like some of the other cheftestants are pretty annoying and there’s not many to choose from to root for otherwise haha.
I’m a junkie for Top Chef. It’s such a fun show. I’m a fan of Kristen too – love her style and her attitude towards cooking.
Happy Holidays 🙂
When I was growing up, my family subscribed to Food Wine; now that I’ve got my own place, I’d love my own subscription!
I love the gnome in the hat!
Kristen is my favorite as well- I think she’s got it together technically a lot better than some of the others. Didn’t watch last chance kitchen- but CJ may come back from the depths too.