Kirbie's Cravings

World Trade Center Club, Amazing Peking Duck, and Puppy Love

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Other than really loving the food in Taiwan, one of the main things I look forward to on a visit to Taiwan is seeing family. A large portion of my mom’s side of the family still live in Taiwan, including beloved aunts, uncles and cousins.

When my uncle and aunt found out we were coming, they went all over Taipei city trying out new restaurants to find the best places to take us to. Our first full night, my uncle took us to the World Trade Center Club. He told me they  had the best Peking duck ever. I love the crispy skin on Peking duck so I was eager to try. What he failed to tell us, was that he had gone all out: we had a private room, with a gorgeous view of the city and a full 9 course set menu. The peking duck was actually an additional item, not included in the menu.

On our table were 8 complimentary cold appetizer dishes. Each one was quite tasty, but we didn’t finish them because we had to save room for the feast ahead.

We also had this plate of bbq pork and chicken.

Let’s start with the best dish of the night. Peking duck!

We got to watch the carving. Then the duck was served to us. Peking duck is traditionally served with thin tortilla-like wrappers. Usually a slice of duck meat, a piece of skin, some fresh green onions and hoison sauce are placed in the wrapper and then eaten together. Look how gorgeous this skin is!

The skin was perfectly golden and crispy. It wasn’t too fatty or overcooked. Even FH who doesn’t usually like duck enjoyed this.

Here’s the rest of our feast:

Simmered chicken with bamboo

Pan fried prawn and pineapple with mayonnaise

Fried lamb chop with salt and pepper

Sauteed Sleeve Fish and Scallop with Vegetables

Steamed Fresh Fish

Sauteed Edible White Fungus & Sliced Scallop with Loofah

Cantonese Dim Sum

Homemade Diced Coconut Sherbert

I’m not sure why this was called sherbet since it was a cold, sweet soup.

Seasonal Fruit Plate

We got fresh watermelon and guava.

Before we went to dinner, we had time to sit down and spend time with my uncle’s dogs. We first met these dogs shortly after they got them three years ago. So I guess they aren’t really puppies anymore. But they are small and cute. My uncle has two toy poodles: Chi Chi and Doby. Chi Chi is this brown one. I instantly fell in love with him.
Not only is he adorable, but he is one of the nicest, most-well behaved dogs I’ve ever met. He let everyone hold him, for however long they wanted. He would sit perfectly still when we were holding him, so it was like hugging a stuffed animal. He also sat perfectly still for pictures. And he let the other dog, Doby, do whatever she pleased with him.

This is Doby. She was really hard to photograph because of her black and white color. Here she is sitting on the steps. She wasn’t nearly as obedient. What’s funny is that once she climbs up the stairs, she’s afraid to get down by herself. Someone had to carry her down each time.

I really wanted to take Chi Chi home with me. This was a great first night. Spending time with family, adorable dogs and eating delicious food.

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    12 comments on “World Trade Center Club, Amazing Peking Duck, and Puppy Love”

    1. Beautiful feast! I love it when family go all out just for me. Makes me feel like I’m a big deal or something!

      • Yeah this was a really nice dinner. I always end up feeling bad though because my uncle does this the entire visit. And we’re there for so long. And they haven’t come to the US, so we haven’t been able to treat them.

    2. I wonder if the Peking Duck wrapper vs. bun is a regional thing? I remember San Francisco banquets where Peking Duck was served it with small baos (this was many years ago!). The thin wrapper makes me think of mu shu pork.

    3. I love the thin wrapper so much better with Peking Duck than the buns they usually serve in America, solely because I could eat more skin without getting stuffed by all that bread! Do you happen to know where do they serve Peking Duck with thin wrapper in San Diego?

    4. I think I like Peking duck best with the thinner wrappers but when the duck is that good, any wrapper would do for me! Chi Chi and Doby are so cute! We had to teach all the pups how to climb and descend the stairs. Now they go flying down them, which can be a little scary (for me) at times.

      • I know what you mean. When Z, my brother’s girlfriend’s puppy goes flying down the stairs he often goes so fast he stumbles and slides on the hardwood and I’m so afraid he’s going to hurt himself. I think my brother took a better picture up close of Doby. I’ll had to add it to the post later so they both get equal face time.

    5. That looks like one fabulous dinner (makes my morning yogurt look pretty sad!). Did they serve you each course on a new individual plate? I’m used to having all my food on a plate until they give you a new plate.

      Those dogs are so cute!

      • Yes, everything was portioned out to an individual serving and served to you in a separate plate. It was a good dinner…we were ridiculously full by the end.

    6. Hi Kirbie – Chi Chi and Doby look adorable. When Sammy was a puppy, I actually had to teach him how to walk up and down stairs because he was terrified!

      • Our part-time puppy was scared too when he first arrived. But after he got bigger he was able to do it. He still wont go near this one staircase that leads to the garage though. I think it’s a good thing so he doesnt accidentally run into the garage.

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