Kirbie's Cravings

Eat At Recess Truck

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Eat at Recess is a Food Truck that tries to put the fun back into lunchtime. It’s a callback to our childhood, naming sandwiches after school terms and bringing back some of our favorite school cafeteria foods like tater tots.

The owners of Recess want to remind us how lunch used to be when we were school kids. Cafeteria food, fresh air, playing games or on the playground with our friends.

The truck is one of the largest food trucks I’ve come across and comes equipped with an Xbox Kinect, allowing you to play games while you wait for your food and the motion sensitive kinect means you’ll be getting some exercise while playing too.

The highlight of the menu for me is definitely the tater tots. I didn’t particularly like school cafeteria food, but what I remember most fondly are tater tots. And it’s one of those foods that were readily available while we were in school, but almost impossible to find once I graduated. Other than finding them in the frozen food section of the grocery store, tater tots are pretty non-existent on a restaurant menu.

They offer three types of tater tots. Regular ones, remedial, and AP tots. Remedial tots are topped with a cheese and a spicy sauce. AP tots are topped with feta cheese and drizzled with truffle oil.

I really loved all of them. The tots were oh-so crispy. I saved some for the FH, and even hours later and a quick heat up in the microwave, they managed to maintain their crispiness.

We also ordered the gold star grilled cheese. From the outside, it looks like the typical grilled cheese sandwich I ate as a kid, but inside is filled with gourmet cheeses. It was quite tasty.

My brother ordered the Recess burger. I didn’t have any but my brother didn’t think it wasn’t anything special.

I had fun visiting the truck and I adored the tater tots. I’ll have to try out a few more menu items next time.

To find out where they are serving food, see the full menu, go to their website Like school, Eat At Recess only operates Monday through Friday during lunch hours.

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    8 comments on “Eat At Recess Truck”

    1. Oh, Tater Tots is a cute name. We call these Potato Gems where I come from.

      We don’t have cafeterias in our schools in Australia. Not any of the schools that I knew of. Only a canteen with very limited hot food options.

      The warmest thing at our school canteen was a meat pie and sometimes even that wasn’t warmed up enough.

      Growing up, we’d watch American TV shows and be so envious of your cafeteria choices. Our cheese sandwiches were never ‘grilled’.

      We didn’t even have tables to eat off so we’d all just sit on hard benches or on the lawn.

      Trust me, you guys really have it good in terms of school food.

      Thanks for sharing…now I’m fascinated by this Food Truck thing. Are there food trucks everywhere? I heard somewhere that you can get really good food on the cheap from these.

      • Hi Judy- I think the tv shows portrayed school cafeteria food to be better than it really is. Most of it tasted pretty bad. Tater tots are about the only things I liked. We mainly were served pizza that tasted like cardboard, water mac n cheese and heated up frozen chicken nuggets (at least that was my experience). Food trucks are in certain cities, not yet everywhere. It started out big in LA and NYC. Now they are really popular in San Diego, and of course some other big cities as well. In general though, I don’t think food trucks are cheaper. They just provide more options to your usual choices.

    2. Definitely my favorite food truck. You should try their sodas next time. 🙂 Boylan’s cherry soda is delicious.

    3. I like how they allude to school aspects in the name of their items…AP Tots is very amusing!

    4. I would eat tater tots plain! I don’t ever remember having tater tots at the school, but one place where I worked at would make them in their cafeteria. You had to move fast to get them before they ran out.

      • The plain ones were good too! But it was nice to have the toppings of the remedial ones and AP ones. I’ve eaten the tots from here twice in one week. I kind of just want to eat them everyday.

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