Kirbie's Cravings

K Sandwiches- Cronuts/Glazed Croissants

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Cronut copycats continue to pop up in San Diego and for some reason, I can’t resist trying every new one I find. I learned about K Sandwiches’ version from My Burning Kitchen.

You can call ahead to find out when they will be available because the time varies. When we went recently, we were just in time to snag the very last one.

The glazed croissants are placed at the counter near the register and are priced at $2 each.

The croissant donut had crispy, flaky layers. It tasted like it was freshly fried. While I enjoyed the delicate crisp layers, I also noticed that it was quite oily, with a good amount of grease piled up at the bottom.

It actually made the final layer hard to cut into because it was soaked in oil and the donut left a lot of oil on the plate. Mr. K and I both enjoyed the crunch but not all the grease. At $2 a piece though, it’s worth trying at least once and it’s not too hard to get one.

K Sandwiches
7604 Linda Vista Road
San Diego, CA 92111

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    4 comments on “K Sandwiches- Cronuts/Glazed Croissants”

    1. This is much more reasonably priced than some other versions I’ve seen! I like that you can see all of the layers.

    2. The flaky layers looked nice, but too bad about the oily bottom parts.