Kirbie's Cravings

Phil’s BBQ

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Phil's BBQ
3750 Sports Arena Blvd
San Diego, CA 92110
(619) 226-6333

Phil's BBQ is my favorite place in San Diego for barbecue ribs, and probably one of San Diego's most famous restaurants. I have friends who have to pay a visit to Phil's every time they visit San Diego.  Phil's used to be located in Hillcrest.  The tiny restaurant was always crowded and hopping. 

Then they decided to move to a larger location. Now, it's even more crowded than before.  There is always a line at Phil's no matter what time I go.  I've given up trying to actually eat there.  I don't like having to wait so long to order, try to find a table, and then wait for my food.  Instead, I just order food to go.  I call in, drive over in about 20 minutes, and I'm out of there within 10 minutes.  I get to go home, enjoy my food, and wash my messy hands after.

Phil's menu can be found on their website.  I always stick to the baby back ribs.  I tried the beef ribs once, but they weren't as good.

The meat is tender, and literally falls off the bones.  The sauce is sweet and a bit spicy.  A delicious combination.  Boyfriend and I usually share a full rib dinner which comes with two small sides.

I usually get the macaroni salad and the potato salad.  I've also gotten fries before, but the fries are usually soggy.

Here's the bones from our food.  They are always very clean since the meat comes off so easily:

Phil's BBQ on Urbanspoon

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    13 comments on “Phil’s BBQ”

    1. We went tonight to the Santee location. The food was fantastic. NO LINE!!! We walked right in and got served. The wait for the food was 8 minutes tops.
      If you can go at 4:50 PM there is no line. No line at all. This is a Saturday noght, the night before Easter so perhaps that is why.
      When we came out at 5:30Pm the line was very long outside.
      This is a noisy place to eat. If it was quieter I would enjoy it more I think.

      • I haven’t had a chance to go to the Santee location. Was curious how it is but it’s a little far of a drive for me. Lucky you guys had no line at all!

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    5. I’ve never had the onion rings. I’ve seen them and they look so big and yummy. Next time I’ll try them.

    6. Another phan of Phils. Their onion rings are the best! The problem with taking the fries home is that they are placed in the styrofoam takeout box right out of the grease and that creates a lot of steam inside the box which causes the fries to get moist. Luckily you don’t have that as bad with those yummy onion rings.

    7. For some reason I was always able to find seating in the old location, but at the new one it’s at least an hour, so that’s why I don’t try to eat in anymore. I totally remember the old man statute! It used to freak me out too. hehee.

    8. yea i remember when it was only the hillcrest location, and waiting for a good 1.5 hours…one thing that freaked me out at the old location was that statue of an old man near the bathrooms/boardgames…always thought it looked real out of the corner of my eye. but the new phil’s has beer, so on with the new! i really like their bbq sauce.

    9. Hi Cliff- I tried to get a picture of the lines, but I was too close to them and couldn’t get a good shot and it was dark out. I didn’t want to take a picture of the kitchen since most restaurants don’t allow it.

    10. Hi Gastronomer- Phil’s is definitely must try spot in San Diego! Going with your Cousin Phil sounds like a perfect idea!

    11. you should get a picture of the huge lines or the huge kitchen with all the ribs 🙂

    12. I’ve heard great things about Phil’s! I must go here with my Cousin Phil.

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