Kirbie's Cravings

Secret Cookie Service New Flavors

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If you aren’t familiar with The Secret Cookie Service, you can read my original post here for a more detailed look at the Secret Cookie Guy. As a quick overview, The Secret Cookie Service is based in San Diego, delivering fresh baked cookies during the day throughout San Diego and into the late hours of the night on the UCSD campus and surrounding areas.

Cookies come in a bag marked “Top Secret” and are delivered by a “secret agent” dressed in a suit and shades. (By the way, for anyone who thinks that shades and a suit isn’t much to keep anonymity, think again. About one week after conducting my interview, I ran into The Secret Cookie Guy dressed in regular clothes at Costco. My initial thought was that it was him, but upon a closer look, I was convinced it wasn’t. I debated the “is he or isn’t he?” for the longest time before he finally saw me and I confirmed it was him.)

Since my original post, I’ve had fans of the Secret Cookie Guy share their stories on attempts to nail down his top secret recipes and their love of the cookies. It’s been a while since I’ve had them, and my memory has become hazy on how they taste. In order to properly respond to comments relating to the cookies, I decided I just had to retaste them. All in the name of the blog of course. 😉

Since my first post, the Secret Cookie Guy has gained even more fame on various news outlets (segments on NBC, FOX, and various newspapers, just to name a few) and has also come up with even more flavors, including a gluten free chocolate chip cookie.

Cookies and Cream

I was really curious to check this one out. After I posted my cookies and cream recipe, a whole discussion emerged in the comments on how to modify my recipe to be more like the Secret Cookie Guy’s recipe.

These cookies were packed with Oreo flavor. Actually it tasted almost like a bunch of Oreo smashed together. I may be biased, but I prefer my own recipe. Though if you’re looking for a more Oreo taste, you will probably prefer the Secret Cookie ones.

Reese’s Pieces

While my favorite cookie still remains the original chocolate chip, I really liked these and I’m pretty picky about my peanut butter cookies. Soft and chewy peanut butter cookies with reese’s pieces scattered throughout.

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip cookies

I’m not usually a fan of gluten free cookies. I didn’t get a chance to eat these the same day they were delivered. So maybe these tasted better fresh out of the oven. But when I tasted them, they were a day old and had a dry chalky aftertaste. I wasn’t really a fan.

Chocolate Chip

Okay so I already reviewed these before, but I had to get them again as they are my favorite out of all the flavors offered at The Secret Cookie Service.

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut (At least I think that’s what these are. I can’t quite remember anymore)

I liked these too, and liked the combination of chocolate dough with macadamia nuts.

I’m definitely impressed with how popular The Secret Cookie Service has remained and their expansion on cookie flavors. It sure wasn’t a burden sampling more cookies for a review of new flavors. If you haven’t yet tried The Secret Cookie service, follow them on Facebook for deals, such as extra free cookies on your first visit, along with other daily deals.

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    6 comments on “Secret Cookie Service New Flavors”

    1. Oh how I wish they have this service here. It’d be wonderful to be surprised with different cookie flavors every now and then 🙂

    2. I think I have figured out something about myself… I really don’t like cookies and cream cookies. XD I’ve a) tried the cookies and cream cookie from The Secret Cookie Service – didn’t like them, b) tried your cookies and cream recipe – didn’t like them either, and c) tried the cookies and cream cookies you made – didn’t like those either (sorry! but I did like how soft they were). I just don’t like oreos in any form but… oreos. XD I do however, really love oreo mcflurries.

      My favorite of theirs is still mint chocolate chip. >:D

    3. How clever! I’ll have to try these!

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